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Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 26 February 2024

CONTENTS Revamping India’s Intelligence Network Context: The need for a thorough revamp of India’s intelligence framework becomes evident when considering the presence of 14 intelligence agencies, each with diverse and sometimes overlapping responsibilities. Relevance: GS3- Internal Security Mains Question: Reforms are urgently required in India’s intelligence structure to tackle issues related to coordination deficiencies and […]

Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 24 February 2024

CONTENTS India to Dominate the Global Solar Industry Context: The solar manufacturing sector in India is currently at a crucial juncture, presenting substantial opportunities for growth and employment. Historically, India has lagged behind in solar industry manufacturing, heavily relying on imports and expertise from foreign markets. This reliance has resulted in a shortage of skilled […]

Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 23 February 2024

CONTENTS Space Sector Regulations Context: The final frontier was once considered to be space, but ongoing exploration has transformed it, replacing romantic ideals with narratives intertwined with financial, socio-economic, and geopolitical implications. Traditionally, space technologies and flights were costly and risky endeavors primarily undertaken by national agencies. However, this paradigm has shifted, with private-sector entities […]

Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 22 February 2024

CONTENTS Discrimination Against Women in Workplace Context: The Supreme Court of India has strongly criticized an outdated and patriarchal notion, asserting that regulations penalizing female employees for marrying are unconstitutional. The court deemed the termination of employment based on marriage as a clear instance of gender discrimination and inequality, emphasizing that such patriarchal rules undermine […]

Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 21 February 2024

CONTENTS Clarity on the Nature and Extent of ‘Deemed Forest’ is Essential Context: The Supreme Court of India has temporarily halted an ambitious effort by the Central government to amend the Forest (Conservation) Act of 1980, which was initially introduced to curb the extensive destruction of forests for non-forestry purposes. The Central government claimed that […]

Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 20 February 2024

CONTENTS India-Greece Bilateral Relations Context: The forthcoming state visit of Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis to New Delhi on February 21-22 marks a crucial step in the development of a strategic relationship between India and Greece. This process was initiated with the historic visit of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Greece in August 2023, […]

Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 19 February 2024

CONTENTS Free Movement Regime Context: A nation’s identity is not solely defined by its demarcating borders, but rather by the individuals inhabiting it. This concept goes beyond being a mere abstract saying; it embodies a vision of nation-building and continuity, particularly for a country emerging from a colonial past. The notions of neighborly relations and […]

Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 17 February 2024

CONTENTS Agriculture Infrastructure Fund (AIF)- A Catalyst for India’s Agri-Future Context: India’s agricultural sector, a fundamental component of its economy, impacts the lives of over 55% of its populace. Despite ranking as the world’s second-largest agricultural producer after China, the sector has encountered challenges, particularly in managing post-harvest processes and ensuring market access. Acknowledging these […]

Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 16 February 2024

CONTENTS The Verdict on Electoral Bonds Context: Donations of substantial value made anonymously can erode the foundations of electoral democracy and governance by fostering a culture of quid pro quo between donors and recipients. The Supreme Court of India, in invalidating the Electoral Bond Scheme (EBS), where individuals could purchase electoral bonds for political parties, […]

Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 15 February 2024

CONTENTS Balancing Welfare and Fiscal Responsibility Context: In light of the recent report by Niti Aayog indicating that 250 million individuals have emerged from poverty during the last nine-and-a-half years of the current government’s tenure, the Prime Minister has faced criticism from opposition parties for his decision to extend the distribution of free ration through […]