Addressing gender concerns is critical to creating an inclusive society. Gender equality, gender equity, and women’s empowerment are distinct yet interconnected concepts.


  • Gender Equality: Refers to equal rights, opportunities, and treatment for all genders. It aims for an even playing field where men and women have the same access to resources, education, and employment.
  • Gender Equity: Focuses on fairness in treatment, recognizing that different genders may need different resources or support to achieve equality. It addresses specific disadvantages women face to ensure fairness.
  • Women’s Empowerment: Involves enabling women to gain control over their lives, by providing education, skills, and opportunities to participate fully in economic, political, and social life.

    Importance in Programme Design:

  • Considering gender concerns ensures that development initiatives are inclusive and effective.
  • Ignoring these concerns can perpetuate inequality, limit women’s participation, and hinder sustainable development.


Gender-sensitive programmes promote fairness, uplift marginalized groups, and contribute to broader societal progress.

Legacy Editor Changed status to publish September 28, 2024