
Rationalism, characterized by clear thought and reason, holds significant value in philosophical and intellectual discourse. Immanuel Kant’s assertion that knowledge begins with the senses and ends with reason underscores the importance of rational thinking.

This essay delves into the Indian context to explore the prevalence of rationalism and how it counters the notion that faith dominates over reason.


Historical Roots of Rationalism in India:

Ajita Kesakambalin, a contemporary of the Buddha, championed materialism and empiricism, laying the foundation for Charvaka philosophy. This tradition emphasized direct perception and skepticism, challenging Vedic rituals.

The Charvaka philosophy’s rationalist ethos is referenced in Buddhist and Jain texts. The Buddha encouraged independent thought, cautioning against blind acceptance based on hearsay.

The dialectic between Brahmanas and Shramanas in the Indian tradition symbolized debates between faith and reason, reflecting a diverse philosophical landscape.

Rationalism in Brahminical Tradition:

Uddalaka Aruni’s teachings in the Chhandogya Upanishad emphasized observing natural phenomena, aligning with rationalist principles.

Maharashtra’s history showcases radical thought challenging Brahminical hierarchies. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s embrace of Buddhism and initiatives for backward castes’ education highlight rational progressivism.

Kerala’s Narayana Guru and Tamil Nadu’s ‘Periyar’ rejected blind faith, advocating rationalism and egalitarianism through movements like Self-Respect and Left.

Constitutional Values and National Movement:

Article 51A(H) of the Indian Constitution promotes scientific temper, humanism, and inquiry.

During the freedom struggle, leaders aimed to build a modern and progressive nation based on civic ideals, transcending divisions of faith, caste, and creed.


Relevance of Rationalism in Contemporary Times:

Amidst the challenges of the COVID-19 crisis, rationality rooted in Indian traditions offers solace. Rational thinking helps counter emotional upheavals, showcasing the practicality of indigenous rationalism.

The Indian context portrays a rich history of rationalist thought, challenging the misconception that faith solely governs the nation. Rationalism remains an intrinsic part of India’s philosophical tapestry, shaping its socio-cultural evolution.

In summary, India’s historical legacy, constitutional ethos, and national movement demonstrate the deep-rooted presence of rationalism in the country. This counters the stereotype that faith exclusively rules in India, highlighting the coexistence and interplay of rationalism and faith in shaping the nation’s narrative.

Legacy Editor Changed status to publish August 21, 2023