
  • The Raman Effect refers to the phenomenon where a stream of light passing through a liquid results in a fraction of the light being scattered at different colors. This occurs due to the change in the wavelength of light when it is deflected by molecules.
  • When light interacts with an object, it can be reflected, refracted, or transmitted. Scientists observed that scattered light can experience a change in energy due to interaction with particles.

Importance of the Raman Effect

Insight into Molecular Structure:

  • The character of the scattered radiations provides valuable information about the ultimate structure of the scattering substance.

Advancement of Quantum Theory:

  • The discovery of the Raman Effect was crucial for the development and validation of quantum theory.

Raman Spectroscopy:

  • This discovery led to the creation of Raman spectroscopy, an analytical tool used for nondestructive chemical analysis of both organic and inorganic compounds.
  • In India, Raman spectroscopy has been instrumental in various fields, including pharmaceuticals and materials science.

Enhanced Light Beams with Lasers:

  • The use of Raman spectroscopy was significantly advanced with the invention of lasers, allowing for much stronger beams of light.
  • Indian research institutions, like the Indian Institute of Science, have utilized these techniques for advanced scientific research.

Diverse Applications:

  • Raman spectroscopy has a wide range of applications, from studying art and cultural heritage objects non-invasively to detecting drugs hidden in luggage at customs.
  • In India, this technology is employed in the conservation of ancient manuscripts and artworks, as well as in security operations.


To commemorate the announcement of the discovery of the Raman Effect, the Government of India designated February 28 as National Science Day in 1986.

Sir C.V. Raman was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1930 for his groundbreaking discovery, highlighting India’s significant contribution to global scientific advancements.

Legacy Editor Changed status to publish June 21, 2024