
Decision-making involves two critical processes: moral intuition and moral reasoning.
Moral intuition is subjective, rooted in personal ethical dispositions, while moral reasoning entails a detailed analytical approach.

Main Body


Moral Intuition

  • Immediate, gut-level judgments without conscious reasoning.
  • Influenced by personal values and cultural upbringing.
  • Swift and emotionally charged reactions.
  • Example: Mahatma Gandhi’s opposition to animal sacrifice at Kalighat temple in Kolkata based on moral intuition.

Moral Reasoning

  • Conscious, deliberate cognitive process.
  • Analyzes, evaluates, and weighs ethical principles.
  • Considers consequences of actions.
  • Shaped by upbringing, culture, and personal values.
  • Example: Standing against societal wrongdoing, such as street harassment, through moral reasoning.
  • Involves step-by-step evaluation of moral dilemmas.
  • Slower, analytical, logic-based approach.
  • May not always align with rational analysis, challenging to explain emotional responses.
  • Example: Deliberate acts of charity and donation as a result of moral reasoning.
    Systematic examination of ethical principles leading to well-justified moral judgments.


Moral intuition relies on quick emotional responses, while moral reasoning involves thoughtful analysis of ethical principles and consequences.
Each approach has its benefits and limitations.
The choice between moral intuition and moral reasoning depends on the specific moral situation at hand.

Legacy Editor Changed status to publish November 20, 2023