
  • Narco-terrorism refers to the use of drug trafficking to fund terrorist activities, which has emerged as a significant threat to India. It not only fuels violence and terrorism but also undermines national security and destabilizes the social fabric.

Emergence of Narco-Terrorism in India:

  1. Cross-Border Trafficking: India’s proximity to the Golden Crescent (Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran) and Golden Triangle (Myanmar, Laos, Thailand) makes it vulnerable to drug inflows, with proceeds often funding terrorism, especially in regions like Jammu & Kashmir and the Northeast.
  2. Naxal Links: Naxal groups engage in drug cultivation and trafficking to finance their operations.
  3. Radicalization: Drug money is used to radicalize youth and fund extremist networks, destabilizing the country.

Measures to Counter Narco-Terrorism:

  1. Strengthening Border Security: Enhancing border surveillance and intelligence-sharing with neighboring countries to curb cross-border drug smuggling.
  2. Coordinated Law Enforcement: Strengthening coordination between anti-narcotics agenciesintelligence services, and the National Investigation Agency (NIA) to dismantle narco-terror networks.
  3. Public Awareness and Rehabilitation: Launching awareness campaigns on the dangers of drugs and providing rehabilitation programs to break the link between drugs and radicalization.
  4. International Cooperation: Strengthening international cooperation through bilateral treaties and participation in global anti-narcotics initiatives like the UNODC.


  • Addressing narco-terrorism requires a multi-pronged strategy involving robust law enforcement, public engagement, and international cooperation to protect national security and societal well-being.
Legacy Editor Changed status to publish October 15, 2024