Self-efficacy refers to an individual’s personal assessment of their ability to effectively handle future situations and successfully execute necessary actions. It represents a person’s belief in their capacity to achieve desired outcomes in specific circumstances.

Self-efficacy is influenced by four key determinants:

  • Mastery experiences (performance outcomes): Successfully accomplishing a task provides the most accurate evidence of one’s ability to succeed, strengthening self-efficacy. Conversely, experiencing failure in adequately managing a challenge can undermine or weaken self-efficacy.
  • Social modeling: Observing others successfully completing a task serves as an important source of self-efficacy. It raises the belief that one possesses similar capabilities to master comparable activities.
  • Psychological responses: An individual’s own emotional reactions and responses to situations significantly impact self-efficacy. Factors such as mood, emotional states, physical reactions, and stress levels can influence how one perceives their personal capabilities.
  • Social persuasion: People can be influenced to believe in their skills and capabilities for success. Receiving verbal encouragement or support from various segments of society, including family, teachers, friends, or colleagues, can help individuals overcome self-doubt and focus on giving their best effort.

High self-efficacy holds significant importance for civil servants in India, as they play a crucial role in governance through various organizations and institutions.

The following points highlight the significance of possessing high self-efficacy for civil servants:

  • Impact on public service delivery: As the backbone of governance, civil servants’ work directly affects the public at large. High self-efficacy positively influences psychological states and behavior, leading to better policy implementation and effective delivery of public services.
  • Motivation in complex situations: High self-efficacy empowers civil servants to tackle complex challenges and remain motivated in demanding situations. They face various intricate tasks, pressure from higher authorities, and public expectations for service delivery. With confidence in their abilities, civil servants can handle such situations effectively.
  • Upholding principles and values: A strong sense of self-efficacy enables civil servants to adhere to their desired principles and values, regardless of the consequences. They can maintain their conviction and make decisions based on ethical considerations.
  • Deepening societal and administrative engagement: Civil servants with high self-efficacy develop a genuine interest in societal and administrative issues. They actively seek to address and resolve these problems to the best of their abilities, contributing to the overall welfare of society.
  • Resilience and adaptability: Civil servants with high self-efficacy can quickly recover from setbacks and disappointments. For instance, frequent transfers will not deter them from fulfilling their duties wherever they are posted.


On the other hand, civil servants with low self-efficacy may avoid challenging tasks and become demotivated when facing demanding situations. Therefore, it is crucial for civil servants to recognize and nurture their capabilities and self-efficacy. This self-awareness contributes to the effective and value-based administration of the country.

Legacy Editor Changed status to publish February 12, 2024