Between April 1 and November 30, 2015, the government reported 25,357 police-related instances, including 111 deaths, 330 cases of custodial torture, and 24,916 miscellaneous cases. This statistic emphasises the need for police accountability and change.

In the past, the political executive has misused political control to unduly influence police officers and have them serve personal or political goals, according to the Second Administrative Reforms Commission (ARC-2007).

Psychological Pressure:

 While pay raises and promotions are important parts of police reform, less is said about psychological reforms. In the Indian police force, subordinates are frequently verbally mistreated or work in inhumane conditions. This unbalanced work environment eventually damages their public relations.

The public perceives the police as corrupt, ineffective, politically partisan, and unresponsive, according to the Second ARC Also, residents fear going to a police station or engaging with the police. In 2016, the sanctioned police strength was 181 per lakh people, whereas the actual strength was 137.

This is much below the UN’s suggested standard of 222 police per lakh people. Sophisticated policing demands robust communication support, modern weapons, and high mobility.

However, CAG audit reports from 2015-16 indicated state police armament shortages. The Bureau of Police Research and Development also reported a 30.5 percent shortage of essential cars for state police.

Steps to Take 

  • Police Force Modernisation: The Modernisation of Police Forces (MPF) scheme began in 1969-70 and has been revised multiple

However, the government-sanctioned funds must be completely utilised.

  • The Supreme Court in the landmark Prakash Singh case (2006) offered seven orders where significant police reform work still has to be

Many states did not follow these guidelines to the letter or spirit due to a lack of political will.

  • System Redesign: As part of police reform, the criminal justice system must be The Menon and Malimath Committees’ recommendations can be applied here. Among the important recommendations are:
  • Establishment of a fund to reward victims who turn
  • Creating a national authority to deal with security
  • A total overhaul of the criminal justice
  • The criminal relationship with politics must be severed, and improvements must begin with the political Thus, regulations excluding dangerous criminals from entering legislatures and Parliament are required.


Police concerns reflect the political and social limitations of India. Thus, police reforms are required to encourage police forces to follow best practises.

Creating an environment where police can serve the people is also urgently required.

Legacy Editor Changed status to publish July 11, 2023