E-technology has revolutionized Indian agriculture by offering a wide array of tools and resources that empower farmers in both production and marketing. This digital transformation has led to increased efficiency, improved productivity, and enhanced income for agricultural practitioners across the country.

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E-technology helps farmers in production:

  • Precision Agriculture: IoT devices, such as sensors and AI-equipped tractors from companies like John Deere, allow farmers to monitor and respond to soil conditions, enabling optimal resource use.
  • Example: John Deere’s tractors equipped with sensors and AI technology can adjust planting depths and fertilizer application based on real-time soil data, ensuring precise and efficient farming.
  • Weather Forecasting: Apps like Skymet provide localized weather predictions, allowing farmers to plan their activities more effectively.
  • Example: Access to accurate weather data has been shown to boost farm incomes by up to 25%, as demonstrated by the World Bank’s research.
  • Disease Prediction & Management: Platforms like Plantix analyze images to identify crop diseases, helping farmers detect issues early and prevent crop losses.
  • Example: A study by the CGIAR Research Program found that early detection through Plantix and similar tools can prevent crop losses of up to 20%, significantly benefiting farmers.
  • Knowledge Sharing: Initiatives like Digital Green use videos to disseminate agricultural best practices, reaching millions of farmers across villages in India.
  • Example: Digital Green’s initiative has reached over 1.6 million farmers across 15,000 villages, effectively spreading knowledge and improving farming techniques.
  • Automated Farming Equipment: Drones, like DJI Agras, spray pesticides much faster than manual methods, increasing efficiency.
  • Example: DJI Agras drones can spray pesticides 40-60 times faster than traditional methods, saving time and labor for farmers.

E-technology helps farmers in Marketing:

  • Online Marketplaces: eNAM, launched by the Government of India, connects over 1,000 markets online, facilitating trade and access to a wider customer base.
  • Example: Transactions worth over ₹1 lakh crore have been conducted on the eNAM platform, demonstrating its significant impact on farmers’ access to markets.
  • Price Information: Agri app ‘Kisan Suvidha’ provides farmers with real-time market prices, helping them make informed decisions.
  • Example: IFPRI’s report highlighted that access to real-time price information reduced farmer losses by 12%, proving the importance of such tools for farmers.
  • Supply Chain Management: Walmart’s pilot project in Andhra Pradesh uses blockchain to track shrimp supply chains, ensuring quality and reducing wastage.
  • Example: Walmart’s blockchain-based supply chain management project has improved the quality of shrimp products and reduced wastage, benefiting both farmers and consumers.
  • Direct Link with Consumers: Platforms like FarmDirect in India connect farmers directly to consumers, ensuring fresher produce and better prices.
  • Example: FarmDirect facilitates direct connections between farmers and consumers, ensuring that farmers receive fair prices for their produce and consumers get fresh products.
  • Digital Payment Systems: The RBI noted a 55% increase in digital transactions in 2019-2020, reflecting the growing preference for digital payments in agriculture.
  • Example: The significant growth in digital transactions in agriculture, as highlighted by the RBI, underscores the increasing acceptance of digital payment systems among farmers.

Further steps needed:

  • Infrastructure Development: Robust digital infrastructure is crucial, especially in remote and rural areas, as emphasized by the Douglas Committee.
  • Training & Workshops: Regular training programs, as advocated by Dr. M.S. Swaminathan, can help farmers familiarize themselves with the latest e-tools and digital farming techniques.
  • Localized Digital Solutions: Tailoring digital solutions to local languages and regional agricultural challenges, as suggested by agricultural economist Ashok Gulati, can enhance their effectiveness.
  • Strengthening Cybersecurity: As agriculture becomes more digital, robust cybersecurity measures, as highlighted by the Justice B.N. Srikrishna Committee, are essential to protect farmers from potential cyber threats.
  • Financial Support: Introducing special schemes and lower interest rates, as recommended by the Rangarajan Committee on Financial Inclusion, can encourage farmers to adopt e-technologies.
  • Research & Innovation: Continuous research and development, as stressed by Prof. Ramesh Chand, are essential to keep e-technologies in line with evolving agricultural challenges.
  • Strengthening E-Governance: Integrating all agricultural services under a single digital umbrella, as suggested by the Task Force on IT in Agriculture, can simplify processes and make services more accessible to farmers.


E-technology has played a pivotal role in transforming Indian agriculture, making it more efficient and profitable. Real-world examples, data, and reports highlight the significance of digital tools in empowering farmers and streamlining agricultural practices. However, further steps, including infrastructure development, training, localized solutions, cybersecurity measures, financial support, research, and strengthened e-governance, are necessary to fully harness the potential of e-technology in Indian agriculture. This digital revolution is a promising path towards ensuring food security and prosperity for farmers in India.

Legacy Editor Changed status to publish November 8, 2023