Culture is often visualized as a monolithic and unwavering force that dictates the thoughts, behaviors, and values of individuals within a society. It is perceived as the guiding compass that determines our worldviews, our actions, and our identities. This perception, however, might be misleading. While culture profoundly shapes us, it is not an external force; it is a product of human actions, interactions, and shared experiences. The statement “Culture does not make people, people make culture” reinforces this idea and underscores the dynamic relationship between individuals and their cultural milieu.

The Foundation of Culture

Culture is not handed down to us in a neatly wrapped package, waiting to be assimilated. Instead, it is a living, breathing entity, evolving continuously based on the actions and choices of the people who constitute it. To understand this, consider the profound wisdom in Mahatma Gandhi’s words: “A Nation’s Culture Resides in the Hearts and in the Soul of its People.” This statement emphasizes the personal aspect of culture, highlighting that it is not a detached entity but rather an intimate part of our lives.

The daily practices that people engage in, often overlooked in their seeming mundanity, are the building blocks of larger cultural constructs. The way we greet each other, the meals we prepare, the festivals we celebrate, and even the stories we tell – they all contribute to the cultural tapestry of a community. Over time, as these practices are shared, repeated, and passed down through generations, they evolve into traditions. These traditions then form the foundation of a culture, embodying the shared experiences, values, and beliefs of a community.

The Dynamism of Culture

One of the defining features of culture is its inherent dynamism. It does not remain stagnant but changes, evolves, and adapts. This fluidity is a direct result of human agency. Individuals can, and often do, challenge existing cultural norms, introduce new ideas, and bring about change. A musician might introduce a new genre, an artist might challenge existing aesthetic norms, and social movements might shift societal values. All of these actions, stemming from individual choices, can redefine cultural landscapes.

Today’s globalized world further magnifies the dynamic nature of culture. As borders become porous, cultures interact, influence, and merge with one another. This intermingling, far from diluting individual cultures, adds richness and diversity to them. Through exposure to varied cultures, individuals can challenge their preconceived notions, enrich their perspectives, and contribute to the evolution of their native cultures.

The Power of Individuals

While iconic figures and prominent leaders can influence cultural narratives, it’s essential to acknowledge the power of everyday individuals. Each person, through their daily interactions, choices, and expressions, contributes to the shaping of culture. Every story shared, every meal prepared, and every ritual practiced plays a part in the ongoing creation of culture.

In the words of Jawaharlal Nehru, “Culture is the widening of the mind and of the spirit.” This widening, this expansion, is a testament to human creativity, adaptability, and resilience. Through our shared experiences and interactions, we not only partake in culture but also shape it, molding it to reflect our evolving understandings and aspirations.


Culture, in essence, is a collective endeavor. While it profoundly shapes our identities and worldviews, it is not an external force imposed upon us. Instead, it is the sum total of our shared experiences, values, and beliefs. It is a reflection of our collective psyche, mirroring the myriad ways in which we interpret and interact with the world around us. As individuals continue to challenge norms, share stories, and forge connections, they participate in the ever-evolving dance of culture, ensuring that it remains vibrant, relevant, and reflective of our shared human journey.

Anonymous Changed status to publish September 3, 2023