- India’s changing goal posts over coal
- Uniform civil code
- Start-up boom
- Pacific Nations reject China Security Pact
India’s Changing Goal Posts Over Coal
Recently, Finance Minister said India’s transition away from coal as a fuel for power would be hampered by the Russia-Ukraine war.
GS III- Indian Economy
Dimensions of the Article:
- What is Coal?
- Types of Coal
- Why is the ‘move away from coal’ so important?
- What is the extent of India’s dependence on coal?
- How has war made India’s move away from coal difficult?
Click Here To Read More: India’s Changing Goal Posts Over Coal
Uniform Civil Code
Recently, an expert committee headed by a retired Supreme Court (SC) judge has been constituted by Uttarakhand to implement Uniform Civil Code (UCC) and for checking all the relevant laws that control personal matters for those living in Uttarakhand.
GS II- Polity
Dimensions of the Article:
- What is Uniform Civil Code (UCC)?
- Positive aspects of Uniform Civil Code include
- Challenges in Implementing Uniform Civil Code Include
- Does India not already have a UCC for civil matters?
- How does the idea of UCC relate to the Fundamental Right to religion?
Click Here To Read More: Uniform Civil Code
Start-Up Boom
Recently, Prime Minister praised India’s startup ecosystem as he highlighted that the country has reached a landmark figure of 100 unicorns with a valuation of more than $300 billion.
GS III- Indian Economy
Dimensions of the Article:
- What is a unicorn startup?
- India’s unicorn record
- Challenges faced by the Start up’s
Click Here To Read More: Start-Up Boom
Pacific Nations Reject China Security Pact
China has suffered a big diplomatic humiliation in the pacific. 10 island nations in the region rejected China’s proposed security pact.

GS II- International Relations
Dimensions of the Article:
- Features of the Pact
- Why did Pacific Nations reject?
Click Here To Read More: Pacific Nations Reject China Security Pact