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Current Affairs 28 June 2022


  1. Anti-Defection Law
  2. Gig Economy
  3. Kihoto Hollohan Judgment
  4. Vertical Launch Short Range Surface to Air Missile

Anti-Defection Law


The political crisis in Maharashtra has given rise to the question whether the Shiv Sena rebels can avoid disqualification under the anti-defection law.


GS-II: Polity and Constitution (Constitutional Provisions, Legislature and Elections, Executive, Separation of Powers)

Dimensions of the Article:

  1. What is Defection?
  2. 10th Schedule of the Indian Constitution (Anti-Defection Law)
  3. When do the Legislators face risk of disqualification?
  4. Issues with having an Anti-defection law

Click Here To Read More: Anti-Defection Law

Gig Economy


A NITI Aayog report has identified that is expected to grow to 2.35 crore by 2029-30.

  • According to a study released by NITI Aayog, the number of gig workers in India is estimated to be 77 lakh in 2020-21. 


GS III- Indian Economy

Dimensions of the Article:

  1. What is Gig Economy?
  2. Advantages of Gig economy.
  3. Challenges related to Gig economy
  4. Measures to address the issues related to Gig economy
  5. Way Forward

Click Here To Read More: Gig Economy

Kihoto Hollohan Judgment


As the political battle in Maharashtra moves to the Supreme Court, the role and powers of the Deputy Speaker are in focus.

  • In the context of the crisis, references have been made to the landmark judgment in ‘Kihoto Hollohan vs Zachillhu And Others’ (1992).


GS II- Polity and Government

Dimensions of the Article:

  1. What is the ‘Kihoto Hollohan’ case?
  2. What did the Supreme Court rule in ‘Kihoto Hollohan’?
  3. What was the dissenting opinion?
  4. What about the role of the Deputy Speaker?

Click Here To Read More: Kihoto Hollohan Judgment

Vertical Launch Short Range Surface to Air Missile


Recently, Vertical Launch Short Range Surface to Air Missile (VL-SRSAM) was successfully flight-tested by Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) and the Indian Navy from an Indian Naval Ship at Integrated Test Range (ITR), Chandipur off the coast of Odisha.


GS III- Defence Technology

Dimensions of the Article:

  1. About VL-SRSAM
  2. Features of VL-SRSAM

Click Here To Read More: Vertical Launch Short Range Surface to Air Missile

e: The Hindu

March 2025