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Current Affairs 27 October 2022


  1. WHO releases first-ever fungal priority pathogen list
  2. Genetically Modified (GM) food crop
  3. Impact of La Nina on Northeast monsoon
  4. India China Relations

WHO Releases First-Ever Fungal Priority Pathogen List


The World Health Organisation (WHO) has released the first-ever priority pathogen list — which includes 19 fungi — to identify fungi which pose the greatest threat to public health.


GS-2 Health, International Relations

Dimensions of the Article:

  1. WHO’s first-ever Fungal Priority Pathogen List
  2. Reason for the rise in fungal infections
  3. Strategy recommended by WHO
  4. World Health Organization (WHO)
  5. World Health Assembly (WHA)

Click Here To Read More: WHO Releases First-Ever Fungal Priority Pathogen List

Genetically Modified (GM) Food Crop


The Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC) under the Union Environment Ministry has approved seed production “prior to commercial release” of India’s first indigenously developed transgenic hybrid mustard. It opens up possibilities for India’s first genetically modified (GM) food crop by farmers.


GS-3 Science and Technology

Dimensions of the Article:

  1. Key Points
  2. What are GM Crops?
  3. Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee:

Click Here To Read More: Genetically Modified (GM) Food Crop

Impact of La Nina on Northeast monsoon


With the  Northeast monsoon onset expected soon, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued a ‘yellow’ alert over Kerala, Tamil Nadu, coastal Andhra Pradesh, Yanam, Rayalaseema and south interior Karnataka, warning of thunderstorms and lightning.


GS-I: Geography (Climatology, Important Geophysical Phenomena), GS-III: Environment and Ecology (Environmental Pollution and Degradation, Impact of Climate Change)

Dimensions of the Article:

  1. Key points
  2. La Niña
  3. El Niño
  4. ENSO
  5. How does La Nina impact India’s monsoon?
  6. Why have La Nina conditions continued for three years?
  7. La Nina conditions and cyclone formation

Click Here To Read More: Impact of La Nina on Northeast monsoon

India China Relations


The External Affairs Minister, in a farewell meeting with Chinese envoy Sun Weidong, emphasised mutual “respect, sensitivity and interest”.


GS Paper 2: India and its Neighbourhood (relations)

Dimensions of the Article:

  1. Key Points
  2. Indo-China Border
  3. Major irritants of India china relations:
  4. Cooperation between India and China:

Click Here To Read More: India China Relations

March 2025