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Current Affairs 22 March 2022


  1. Sri Lanka’s aggravating economic crisis
  2. National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority
  3. New India Literacy Programme
  4. Exercise LAMITIYE-2022

Sri Lanka’s Aggravating Economic Crisis


Sri Lanka’s economic crisis is aggravating rapidly, putting citizens through enormous hardship. Over the weekend, at least two senior citizens died while waiting in long queues to buy fuel; the price of cooking gas spiked to LKR 4,199 (roughly ₹1,150), the price of the widely used milk powder shot up by LKR 600 a kg, and authorities were forced to cancel school examinations for millions of students, due to a shortage of paper.


GS II- International Relations  (India and its Neighbourhood)

Dimensions of the Article:
  1. Reason for Economic Crisis:
  2. What is happening on the ground?
  3. How is India helping?
  4. How is India’s assistance being viewed in Sri Lanka?

Click Here To Read More: Sri Lanka’s Aggravating Economic Crisis

National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority


The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) could approve a price increase of more than 10% in drugs and equipment on the National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM).

  • The hike in the Wholesale Price Index is driving the increase, which is likely to affect almost 800 drugs and devices (WPI)

GS II- Government Policies and Intervention, Health

Dimensions of the Article:
  1. About National Pharmaceuticals Pricing Authority
  2. Functions of NPPA
  3. How does the Pricing Mechanism work?

Click Here To Read More: National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority

New India Literacy Programme


Government approved a new scheme “New India Literacy Programme”  for the period FYs 2022-2027 to cover all the aspects of Adult Education to align with National Education Policy 2020 and Budget Announcements 2021-22. 

  • The National Education Policy 2020 has recommendations for Adult Education and Lifelong Learning.

GS II- Education

Dimensions of the Article:
  1. About New India Literacy Programme
  2. Objectives of the scheme
  3. Salient Features of the scheme

Click Here To Read More: New India Literacy Programme

Exercise LAMITIYE-2022


The 9th Joint Military Exercise LAMITIYE-2022 between the Indian Army and Seychelles Defence Forces (SDF) is being conducted at Seychelles Defence Academy (SDA), Seychelles from 22 March to 31 March 22.


GS III- Security Challenges, Facts for Prelims

Dimensions of the Article:
  1. About Exercise LAMITIYE-2022
  2. Objectives of the Exercise

Click Here To Read More:  Exercise LAMITIYE-2022

March 2025