- Taj Mahal
- Iron in Tamil Nadu 4,200 years ago: a new dating and its significance
- From neutral to NATO: Why Finland joining the alliance matters
Recently, Prime Minister announced that the Indian SARS-CoV-2 Genomics Consortium (INSACOG) would be extended to India’s neighbouring countries.
GS III- Awareness In The Fields Of It, Space, Computers, Robotics, Nano-Technology, Bio-Technology, Pharma Sector & Health Science
Dimensions of the Article:
- What is INSACOG?
- Working of INSACOG
Click Here To Read More: INSACOG
Taj Mahal
Recently, Allahabad High Court dismissed a petition filed by BJP leader asking for a fact-finding panel to establish “the real History of Taj Mahal”, and for more than 20 sealed “rooms” to be opened to look for the possible presence of idols of Hindu gods on the premises of the monument.
GS II- History
Dimensions of the Article:
- About Taj Mahal
- Architecture

Click Here To Read More: Taj Mahal
Iron in Tamil Nadu 4,200 years ago: a new dating and its significance
Carbon dating of excavated finds in Tamil Nadu pushes evidence of iron being used in India back to 4,200 years ago, the Tamil Nadu government announced this week on the basis of an archaeological report.

GS I- Art and Culture
Dimensions of the Article:
- Iron being used in India back to 4,200 years
- Findings
- Iron age in India
- Historical significance
- Culture and politics
Click Here To Read More: Iron in Tamil Nadu 4,200 years ago: a new dating and its significance
From neutral to NATO: Why Finland joining the alliance matters
While countries were thinking about the security dynamics of Europe, Finland’s Prime Minister had insisted that her country was unlikely to join NATO even as Russian troops amassed on the Ukrainian border in February.
- Three months and one invasion later, Finland is hurtling to join the alliance — a monumental shift for a nation with a long history of wartime neutrality and staying out of military alliances.
GS II- International Relations
Dimensions of the Article:
- About NATO
- Major pointers regarding NATO
- Why Finland wishes to join now?
- What would a membership mean and will it benefit NATO as well?
Click Here To Read More: From neutral to NATO: Why Finland joining the alliance matters