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Criteria for Classical Language Status


Recently, the centres for the promotion of classical Telugu, Odia, Kannada and Malayalam demand autonomy for proper functioning.


GS I: History

Criteria for Classical Language Status

  • The language must have a documented history of at least 1,500-2,000 years, evident in early texts.
  • It should have a substantial body of ancient literature, highly regarded as a cultural heritage.
  • The literary tradition of the language must be original and not borrowed from another speech community.
  • There should be a clear distinction between the classical form of the language and its modern forms or offshoots.
Recognized Classical Languages in India
  • Tamil: First declared in 2004.
  • Sanskrit: Recognized in 2005.
  • Telugu: Declared in 2008.
  • Kannada: Also recognized in 2008.
  • Malayalam: Added in 2013.
  • Odia: Recognized in 2014.
Benefits of Classical Language Status
  • Promotion and Support: The Ministry of Education offers various supports to promote these languages:
    • International Awards: Two major international awards are given annually to scholars of eminence in the language.
    • Centers of Excellence: Establishment of a Centre of Excellence for Studies in the Classical Language.
    • Professional Chairs: The University Grants Commission (UGC) is requested to create Professional Chairs in Central Universities dedicated to the classical language.

-Source: Indian Express

March 2025