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Crime and Criminal Tracking Networks and Systems


Ahead of the implementation of the new criminal laws, at least 23 modifications have been made to the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network Systems (CCTNS).


GS III: Security Challenges

Dimensions of the Article:

  1. About Crime and Criminal Tracking Networks and Systems (CCTNS):
  2. About National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB)

About Crime and Criminal Tracking Networks and Systems (CCTNS):

  • Concept and Implementation: CCTNS was envisioned by the Ministry of Home Affairs under India’s National e-Governance Plan and has been executed as a “Mission Mode Project (MMP)” since 2009.
  • Purpose: This project aims to create a comprehensive and integrated system to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of policing at police stations nationwide.
  • Integration Goal: It seeks to interlink all police stations through a unified application software for investigation, data analytics, research, policymaking, and Citizen Services like complaint reporting and tracking, and requests for antecedent verifications by police.
  • Accessibility: Crime and criminal records available at one police station will be accessible to any other police office.
  • Objectives:
    • Make police operations more citizen-friendly and transparent by automating police station functions.
    • Improve delivery of citizen-centric services through effective use of ICT.
    • Equip Investigating Officers of the Civil Police with tools, technology, and information to facilitate crime investigation and criminal detection.
    • Enhance police functionality in areas like Law and Order, Traffic Management, etc.
    • Enable interaction and information sharing among Police Stations, Districts, State/UT Headquarters, and other Police Agencies.
    • Support senior Police Officers in better managing the Police Force.
    • Track case progress, including court proceedings.
    • Minimize manual and redundant record-keeping.
  • Collaboration: The project is implemented through close cooperation between States and the Union Government.
  • Management: The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) is the central nodal agency overseeing CCTNS.

About National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB):

  • Establishment: Founded in 1986 to serve as a repository of information on crime and criminals.
  • Affiliation: Operates under the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Government of India.
  • Foundation: Based on recommendations from the Tandon Committee, the National Police Commission (1977-1981), and the Home Ministry’s Task Force.
  • Responsibilities: Collects and analyzes crime data and acts as a repository to aid investigators in tracing crimes and criminals.
  • Headquarters: Located in New Delhi.
  • Central Finger Print Bureau: Acts as a national repository for all fingerprints in the country.
  • Publications: Compiles and publishes National Crime Statistics, including Crime in India, Accidental Deaths & Suicides, and Prison Statistics.
  • Capacity Building: Assists various States in capacity building in IT, CCTNS, Fingerprints, Network security, and Digital Forensics.

-Source: The Hindu

March 2025