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For Enquiry

Central Industrial Security Force


The central government recently approached the Supreme Court, alleging that inadequate arrangements were made for the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) personnel deployed at RG Kar Hospital in Kolkata.


GS III: Security Challenges

Dimensions of the Article:

  1. Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) Overview
  2. Core Functions

Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) Overview

  • Foundation and Development:
    • Established by an Act of Parliament on March 10, 1969, starting with 2,800 personnel.
    • Legislatively reinforced as an armed force on June 15, 1983.
    • Currently, CISF boasts a strength exceeding 188,000 members.
  • Administrative Placement:
    • Operates under the Union Ministry of Home Affairs.
    • Headquarters located in New Delhi.
  • Operational Scope:
    • Provides security to 359 establishments nationwide, spanning various critical sectors.
Organizational Structure
  • Leadership:
    • Led by a Director-General, supported by an Additional Director-General, both from the Indian Police Service.
  • Divisional Setup:
    • Organized into seven sectors: Airport, North, North-East, East, West, South, and Training.
    • Incorporates a specialized Fire Service Wing.

Core Functions

  • Infrastructure Security:
    • Guards vital infrastructure including nuclear facilities, space establishments, airports, and power plants.
  • High-Profile Assignments:
    • Took over airport security responsibilities post-2000 following the IC-814 hijacking incident.
    • Safeguards significant government structures, heritage sites, the Delhi Metro, and central jails in Jammu and Kashmir.
  • VIP Protection:
    • Houses a dedicated VIP Security division for high-profile personal protection.
  • Fire Safety Services:
    • Recognized as one of the largest providers of fire protection services, featuring a bespoke fire wing.
  • Expansion Post-2008:
    • Extended post-Mumbai 2008 attacks to include private sector security coverage.
  • Consultancy Role:
    • Offers security consultancy to private enterprises, highly sought after for expertise.
  • Public Interface:
    • Unique among CAPFs for its routine public interactions at airports, the Delhi Metro, and various iconic monuments.

-Source: Indian Express

September 2024