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Focus: GS-II Governance

Why in news?

The Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D) is celebrating its Golden Jubilee Anniversary soon (50 years since its establishment on 28th August, 1970).

Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D)

  • The Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D), was set up in furtherance of the objective of the Government of India for the modernisation of police forces.
  • It has evolved as a multifaceted, consultancy organisation, and at present it has 4 divisions – Research, Development, Training and Correctional Administration.

Reasons for creation:

  1. To take direct and active interest in the issues
  2. To promote a speedy and systematic study of the police problems,
  3. To apply science and technology in the methods and techniques used by police.


Research Division:

  • Analysis and study of crime and problems of general nature affecting the police
  • Assistance of Police Research programmes in States and Union Territories
  • Work relating to Standing Committee on Police Research
  • Maintenance of all India statistics of crime

Publication of:

  1. Police Research & Development Journal
  2. Crime in India
  3. Indian Police Journal
  4. Accidental Deaths and Suicides
  5. Research Reports and News Letters
  6. Reports, Reviews, other journals and books relating to matters connected with police work


Development Division

  • Review of the performance of various types of equipment used by the police forces in India and development of new equipment
  • Liaison with the National laboratories, Indian Ordnance Factories and other organisations
  • Police publicity and police publicity files, police weeks and parades


Training Division

  • To review from time to time the arrangements for Police training and the needs of the country in this field in the changing social conditions
  • Introduction of scientific techniques in training and in police work and to formulate and coordinate training policies and programmes in the field of police administration and management.
  • To help devise new refresher, promotion, specialist and orientation courses


Correctional Administration

  • Analysis and study of prison statistics and problems of general nature affecting Prison Administration
  • Coordination of Research Studies conducted by RICAs and other Academic/Research Institutes in Correctional Administration
  • To set up an Advisory Committee to guide the work relating to Correctional Administration


March 2025