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Revamped FAME-II scheme

Focus: GS III- Indian Economy (Infrastructure) Why in News? Price Bids of the Grand Challenge tender process under the remodeled FAME II scheme for electric buses were opened by Ministry of Heavy Industries About FAME-II FAME India is a part of the National Electric Mobility Mission (NEMM) Plan. Main thrust of FAME is to encourage electric vehicles […]

Countries Will Have To ‘Justify’ Veto Votes at UN

Context: The 193 members of the United Nations General Assembly adopted by consensus a resolution requiring the five permanent members of the Security Council to justify their use of the veto. Relevance: GS II- Bilateral, Regional and Global Groupings and agreements involving India Dimensions of the Article: Why such move? What is the Veto Power […]

Europe’s Digital Services Act

Context: Recently, The European Parliament and European Union (EU) Member States announced that they had reached a political agreement on the Digital Services Act (DSA), a landmark legislation to force big Internet companies to act against disinformation and illegal and harmful content, and to “provide better protection for Internet users and their fundamental rights”. Relevance: GS III- Cyber Security Dimensions […]

International Religious Freedom Report 2022

Context: The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has recommended that India be designated a ‘Country of Particular Concern’ (CPC), i.e., the category of governments performing most poorly on religious freedom criteria. It has also called for “targeted sanctions” on individuals and entities responsible for severe violations of religious freedom by freezing those individuals’ […]

Anti-Defection Law

Context: Recently, the Vice-President has said that the time has come to amend the anti-defection legislation in the country to plug existing loopholes. Relevance: GS-II: Polity and Constitution (Constitutional Provisions, Legislature and Elections, Executive, Separation of Powers) Dimensions of the Article: What is Defection? 10th Schedule of the Indian Constitution (Anti-Defection Law) When do the Legislators face risk of disqualification? Issues […]

India 3rd Highest Military Spender

Context: World military spending continued to grow in 2021, reaching a record $2.1 trillion despite the economic fallout of the pandemic, according to new data on global military spending published by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). Relevance: GS III- Indian Economy (Issues relating to planning, mobilization of resources) Dimensions of the Article: Top […]

States vs Centre on Selection of Vice-Chancellors

Context: Recently, The Tamil Nadu Assembly has adopted two Bills that seek to empower the government to appoint Vice-Chancellors (VCs) to 13 State universities under the aegis of the Higher Education Department by amending the respective Acts. Relevance: GS II- Polity and Governance Dimensions of the Article: Highlights of the two Bills Are other states […]

The Quarrel Over Kuril Islands

Context: Recently, Japan’s Diplomatic Bluebook for 2022 described the Kuril Islands (which Japan calls the Northern Territories and Russia as the South Kurils) as being under Russia’s “illegal occupation”. Relevance: GS II- International Relations Dimensions of the Article: What are the Kuril Islands/ Northern Territories? What lies behind the dispute? Attempts at resolution What next? […]

Formation and Promotion of 10,000 FPOs

Focus: GS III-Agriculture Why in News? Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare has organized the National Conference of Cluster Based Business Organization’s (CBBOs), under the Central Sector Scheme of Formation and Promotion of 10,000 FPOs (Farmer Producer Organization). About the scheme: Nodal: Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers welfare It is a Central Sector Scheme titled “Formation and Promotion […]

Malaria Facts

Focus: GS II- Health Why in News? Every year, 25th April is observed as ‘World Malaria Day’. This year’s theme is “Harness innovation to reduce the global malaria disease burden and save lives.” About Malaria The Malaria is a leading cause of human morbidity and mortality. Despite huge progress in tackling the disease, there are still […]