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Focus: GS-III Indian Economy

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Union Minister for Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution launched the Bureau of Indian Standard’s Mobile App ‘BIS-Care’ and three portals – the Standardization, Conformity Assessment and Training Portals of e-BIS for consumers.


  • Consumers can check the authenticity of the ISI-marked and hallmarked products and lodge complaints using the BIS-Care app.
  • e-BIS is an integrated portal covering all of BIS’s functions, enlisting the services of outside agencies for factory and market surveillance and development of mobile app-based and AI-enabled surveillance methods.
  • BIS is developing a portal on Consumer Engagement, which will facilitate the online registration of Consumer Groups, submission of proposals and approval thereof, and complaint management.
  • BIS has formulated a scheme for the recognition of other Standard Development Organizations in the country with the objective of harmonization of standard formulation.

Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS)

  • The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is the national Standards Body of India working under the aegis of Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, Government of India.
  • It is established by the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 – Hence it is Statutory Body.
  • The organisation was formerly the Indian Standards Institution (ISI). (The ISI was registered under the Societies Registration Act – Therefore ISI was NOT a Statutory Body.)
  • As a corporate body, BIS has 25 members drawn from Central or State Governments, industry, scientific and research institutions, and consumer organisations.
  • BIS also works as WTO-TBT (World Trade Organisation Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade) enquiry point for India.

Benefits of BIS

  1. Providing safe reliable quality goods.
  2. Minimizing health hazards to consumers.
  3. Promoting exports and imports substitute.
  4. Control over proliferation of varieties etc through standardization, certification and testing.

Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016

  • BIS Act allows multiple types of simplified conformity assessment schemes including self-declaration of conformity.
  • BIS act provides enabling provisions for making hallmarking of precious metal articles mandatory.
  • The Act enables the Central Government to appoint any authority/agency, in addition to the BIS, to verify the conformity of products and services with the established standard and  issue certificate of conformity.
  • There is a provision for repair or recall, of the products (bearing Standard Mark) that do not conform to the relevant Indian Standard.
  • BIS (Hallmarking) Regulations, 2018 under the BIS act calls for Hallmarking of Gold, Silver jewellery and Gold, Silver artefacts.
March 2025