Intro : 20-Year Plan (1998–2017) , Phased implementation involving public participation.
Relevance: GS 3(Environment)
Target Areas:
- Energy: Transition from coal to clean energy.
- Transportation: Vehicle retrofitting and public transport expansion.
- Industry: Stricter standards and eco-friendly construction.
- Regional Collaboration: Collective action with neighboring provinces.
Funding: Increased six-fold over four years.
- Achievements (2013-2017): PM2.5 reduced by 59%, SO2 by 83%.
Recommendations for Delhi
- Transport: Expand DTC buses, promote cycling, and levy congestion fees.
- Energy: Shift to renewables and subsidize solar rooftops.
- Collaboration: Partner with neighboring states for pollution control.
- Public Awareness: Engage citizens in combating air pollution.
- Political Will: Address governance gaps and ensure sustained action.