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18th December – Editorials/Opinions Analyses

Contents: NATIVE VS INVASIVE LACUNAE IN INDIAN LABOUR LAWS ROHINGYA CRISIS NATIVE VS INVASIVE Why in News? Recently a study revealed the role of the 2018 Kerala floods, in introducing the most dangerous fish species, such as arapaima and alligator gar, into Kerala’s wetlands. During heavy floods, invasive alien fishes which are illegally farmed in […]

Current Affairs 18 December 2019 for UPSC Exam

Contents: Gujrat Model to check Maternal Mortality Rate 2+2 Dialogue and Quad grouping All about CAB: Detailed GUJRAT MODEL TO CHECK METERNAL MORTALITY RATE Why in news? Recent advisory issued by the Union Health Ministry to States to adopt the Gujarat model of “non-­interventional approach during the final stages of labour” as the best obstetric […]

PIB 17th December

Contents: Restructuring UNSC Reducing importance of Imported Goods NIRVIK National Braodband Mission ADB, GoI pact on loan to EESL Recycling of Ships Bill RESTRUCTURING UNSC India sought Bangladesh’s support in restructuring and reforming multilateral organizations such as the United Nations so that policies that affect entire world were not decided by a few countries. India […]

Current Affairs 17 December 2019 for UPSC Exam

Contents: INCREASING LOK SABHA SEATS TO 1000 COP 25 – MADRID LACUNAE IN DATA PROTECTION BILL RESERVATIONS TO ANGLO INDIANS SUCCESS STORY OF RTI INCREASING LOK SABHA SEATS TO 1000 Why in News? Former President Prananb Mukherjee spoke about raising the number of Lok Sabha constituencies to 1,000 from the existing 543 and for a […]

17th December – Editorials/Opinions Analyses

Contents: THE WIDENING FISSURE IN INDIA’S RULE OF LAW DESTRUCTION OF PUBLIC PROPERTY: WHAT THE LAW SAYS THE WIDENING FISSURE IN INDIA’S RULE OF LAW What is all about? Many times it has been observed that police used to arrest people on charges of sedition. Sometimes even fake encounters take place. Even after seven decades […]

PIB 16th December

Contents SURYA KIRAN – XIV EASE OF DOING BUSINESS. INDRA TRI-SERVICES EXERCISE SURYA KIRAN – XIV Why in News? The joint military exercise between India and Nepal was conducted at Salijhandi, Rupendehi district of Nepal from 3rd December to 16th December. Details It is an annual event conducted alternatively in Nepal and India. The exercise […]

Current Affairs 16 December 2019 for UPSC Exam

Contents: Dengue in Karnataka and Gujrat Drinking Water Quality and Supply India-Maldives Joint Commission Saraswati river Agitation in North-east over CAB Drug Resistant Bacteria Comet 21/Borisov OSIRIS Rex Mission COP25- Failure to build Consensus on Climate Action Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY) Strandhogg DENGUE IN KARNATAKA AND GUJRAT Why in News? National Vector Borne […]

PIB 14th and 15th December

Contents: Transform Agriculture to attract Youth National Energy Conservation Awards Mitra Shakti-VII National Ganga Council TRANSFORM AGRICULTURE TO ATTRACT YOUTH. It’s the biggest enterprise in india. Need to replicate success story of AMUL around the country. Women contribute 90% to the rural dairy economy. overall contribution of women to the national GDP is much less […]

16th December – Editorials/Opinions Analyses

Contents: Constitutional Morality vs Public Morality Explained: How Cars can run on Hydrogen CONSTITUTIONAL MORALITY VS PUBLIC MORALITY FOCUS: MAINS: GS PAPER 2, PAPER 1 and Essay Why in news? Last week Hyderabad Police in an encounter killed the four accused in the rape and murder of the young veterinarian in Hyderabad — an incident, […]