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Vulnerable Sections

The term vulnerability is defined as “proneness to harm or damage originating from external forces”. According to a widely quoted description, vulnerable groups are: “Groups that experience a higher risk of poverty and social exclusion than the general population. Ethnic minorities, migrants, disabled people, the homeless, those struggling with substance abuse, isolated elderly people and […]

Democracy and Development

India opted for the parliamentary form of government in order to make the nation-state based on the principles of universal adult franchise and periodic election in contrast to the village level government in the light of Gandhian principles. The assessment of democracy depends on the indices used to indicate or measure it. There are mainly […]

Major Governmental Interventions for Development in Various Sectors

Content: 1. Rural Development2. Urban Development3. Skill Development4. Social Security Rural Development Rural development involves both economic development as well as social transformation. The Ministry of Rural Development is implementing several programs through the State Governments to promote better prospects for economic development, aimed at poverty reduction, rural infrastructure habitant development, provision of basic minimum […]

Public Policy in India

What is Public Policy? Public Policy is a proposed course of action of a government within a given environment providing opportunities and obstacles which the policy aims to utilize and overcome to realize a given role. The above definition clearly states that public policies are governmental decisions and resultant actions in pursuance of certain goals […]

Societies, Trusts, Donors, Charities and other Stakeholders

The law concerning Societies, Trusts, Waqfs and other endowments in India can be placed in three broad groupings: • Societies registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 and various States amendments on it after 1947; • Those engaged in pure religious and charitable work registered under the Religious Endowments Act, 1863; the Charitable and Religious […]

Aid and Private Funding in Development

Development Aid in India Development aid is financial aid given by governments and other agencies to support the economic, environmental, social and political development in developing countries. It involves long term strategy to alleviate poverty. • Foreign experts call India a ‘development paradox’. India is one of the largest economies with high growth rate. It […]

Self Help Groups (SHGs) and Microfinance Institutions

What are SHGs? Self-Help Groups are informal associations of people who choose to come together to find ways to improve their living conditions. They help to build Social Capital among the poor, especially women.  The most important functions of a Self-Help Groups are • to encourage and motivate its members to save • to persuade […]

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

What are Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs)? Civil Society, when organized in structure and specialized in function, takes the form of NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations). Characteristics of NGOs:  It is an organization of private individuals who believe in certain basic social principles.  They structure their activities to bring about development to communities they are servicing.  It is […]

Development process and development industry

Content:1. Development process and development industry2. Civil Society Development Processes What is Development and Development Process? A multitude of meanings have been attached to the term development. It is mostly confounded with economic growth. Also, larger meanings such as social development, sustainable development and human development are attributed to it. In simple terms, Development is […]


 What is E-governance?  According to the World Bank, “E-Governance refers to the use of information technologies (such as Wide Area Networks, the Internet, and mobile computing) by government agencies that have the ability to transform relations with citizens, businesses, and other arms of government.   These technologies can serve a variety of different ends:  • better […]