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Among The Following Who Are Eligible To Benefit From The “Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act”?

Among the following who are eligible to benefit from the “Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act”?(2011)

a) Adult members of only the scheduled caste and scheduled tribe households

b) Adult members of below poverty line (BPL) households

c) Adult members of households of all backward communities

d) Adult members of any household

Answer: D

  • The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) has the following objectives:
  • Provide 100 days of guaranteed wage employment to rural unskilled labour
  • Increase economic security
  • Decrease migration of labour from rural to urban areas
  • MGNREGA differentiates itself from earlier welfare schemes by taking a grassroots-driven approach to employment generation.
  • It gives a significant amount of control to the Gram Panchayats for managing public works, strengthening Panchayati Raj Institutions. Gram Sabhas are free to accept or reject recommendations from Intermediate and District Panchayats.
  • It incorporates accountability in its operational guidelines and ensures compliance and transparency at all levels.

February 2025