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World’s Largest Grain Storage Plan

Context: Recently, the Indian Prime Minister inaugurated the pilot project of World’s Largest Grain Storage Plan, which is currently launched in 11 Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS) across 11 states. Relevance: GS III: Agriculture Dimensions of the Article: Grain Storage Plan: Enhancing Agricultural Infrastructure Objective: Expected Outcomes: About Primary agricultural credit societies: Objectives of PACS Functions of PACS

About the Pigeonpea

Context: According to the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) a new fast-breeding protocol is likely to make it easier for scientists to develop better quality varieties of the pigeonpea crop at a faster rate. Relevance: GS III: Agriculture Pigeonpea: Climatic Conditions: Cultivation Practices: Challenges and Concerns: Health Benefits: Major Producing States: […]

Sustainable & Inclusive Development of Natural Rubber Sector

Context: The financial assistance for the Rubber sector under the ‘Sustainable & Inclusive Development of Natural Rubber Sector (SIDNRS)’ has been increased by 23% from Rs 576.41 crore to Rs 708.69 crore for the next 2 financial years (2024-25 and 2025-26). Relevance: GS III: Agriculture Dimensions of the Article: Sustainable and Inclusive Development in India’s Natural Rubber […]

Fair and Remunerative Price (FRP) for Sugarcane

Context: Recently, the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs approved ₹340/quintal as the Fair and Remunerative Price (FRP) of sugarcane for sugar season 2024-25 at sugar recovery rate of 10.25%. Relevance: GS-III: Agriculture (Agricultural Pricing and Marketing, Food Security) Dimensions of the Article: What is Fair and Remunerative Price (FRP) for Sugarcane? Factors considered for FRP […]

About Agriculture Infrastructure Fund 

Context: India’s agricultural sector, a fundamental component of its economy, impacts the lives of over 55% of its populace. Despite ranking as the world’s second-largest agricultural producer after China, the sector has encountered challenges, particularly in managing post-harvest processes and ensuring market access. Acknowledging these issues, the Indian government initiated the Agriculture Infrastructure Fund (AIF) in July 2020 […]

About India’s Millet Exports

Focus: GS III- Agriculture Why in News? The year 2023 was celebrated as the International Year of Millets (IYM – 2023).  Agricultural and Processed Foods Export Development Authority (APEDA) Nodal:  Ministry of Commerce and Industry Functions: Millets: About: Production of Millets: Benefits of Millets:

About Nutrient-Based Subsidy Regime

Context: The Central government has brought di-ammonium phosphate (DAP), muriate of potash (MOP) and all other such fertilisers that receive nutrient-based subsidy (NBS) support under “reasonable pricing” controls. Relevance: GS-III: Agriculture Dimensions of the Article: About Nutrient-Based Subsidy Regime Issues Related to NBS -Source: The Hindu  

Drones can Revolutionise the Agriculture Sector

Context: The utilization of drones has the potential to transform the agricultural sector. The government’s focus on precision agriculture indicates that drones are on the verge of becoming a crucial element in farming practices. In Punjab, where drones were previously associated with illicit activities along the border, there is now a shift towards leveraging them […]

About The Lentil Production

Context: India is set to become the world’s largest producer of lentil (masoor) during the 2023-24 crop years on account of higher acreage. Relevance: GS III: Agriculture Dimensions of the Article: Lentil Overview: Consumption: Climatic Conditions: Soil Requirements: Cultivation Regions: Characteristics: Global Production: Indian Import Scenario: -Source: The Hindu

Startups in the Agriculture Sector are Pioneering Innovations

Context: Agriculture, a cornerstone of India’s economy, contributes nearly 17% to the country’s GDP, surpassing the global average of 4.4%. In the global endeavor to sustainably feed a growing population, technological advancements and innovation in agriculture have become more crucial than ever. In recent times, the Indian agricultural landscape has undergone a transformative shift driven by […]