Recently, the scientists of the Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) have discovered a new species of vibrant orange-colored deep-water marine fish from Digha Mohana in West Bengal.

GS III: Species in News
Dimensions of the Article:
- Pterygotrigla Intermedica: A Unique Gurnard Species
- Key Facts About Zoological Survey of India
Pterygotrigla Intermedica: A Unique Gurnard Species
- Pterygotrigla intermedica is commonly known as gurnards or sea-robins, belonging to the family Triglidae.
- It’s the fourth species of the Pterygotrigla genus discovered in India, with a total of 178 species in the Triglidae family worldwide.
Distinct Characteristics:
- This species of gurnard exhibits distinctive features, setting it apart from other gurnad species.
- These features include snout length, shape of the internuchal space, and size of the cleithral spine.
- Notably, it has a distinct pectoral fin with specific coloration patterns, a long opercular spine, and a very short cleithral spine.
- Other unique traits include characteristics of the lateral line, gill rakers on the upper limb, 12–13 gill rakers on the lower limb of the first gill arch, and a large black blotch positioned between the 4th and 6th spines of the first dorsal fin.
Key Facts About Zoological Survey of India:
- Established in 1916, the Zoological Survey of India is India’s premier organization dedicated to zoological research and studies.
- It operates under the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change.
- Objectives of the organization encompass the exploration, survey, and monitoring of faunal diversity across Indian states, ecosystems, and protected areas.
- The Zoological Survey of India also conducts periodic reviews of the status of threatened and endemic species and prepares databases documenting the recorded species within the country.
-Source: Down To Earth