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About The Nuclear Waste


India recently achieved a milestone in its nuclear program by loading the core of its prototype fast breeder reactor (PFBR), marking progress towards stage II of its three-stage nuclear program. Stage II involves powering the reactor with uranium and plutonium. This advancement aligns with India’s goal for stage III, where it aims to utilize its abundant thorium reserves for nuclear power generation. However, challenges persist, particularly in managing nuclear waste, underscoring the complexities associated with nuclear energy production.


GS III: Energy

Dimensions of the Article:

  1. Overview of Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR)
  2. India’s Approach to Nuclear Waste Managemen
  3. Understanding Nuclear Waste
  4. Challenges in Managing Nuclear Waste

Overview of Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR)

  • Definition of Breeder Reactor: A breeder reactor is a type of nuclear reactor that generates more fissile material than it consumes by irradiating fertile material, such as Uranium-238 or Thorium-232, alongside fissile fuel.
  • Purpose: Breeder reactors are designed to extend the nuclear fuel supply for electric power generation by producing additional fissile material during operation.
  • PFBR Description:
    • Location: The Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR) is located at the Madras Atomic Power Station in Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu, India.
    • Capacity: It is designed as a 500-megawatt electric (MWe) fast-breeder nuclear reactor.
    • Fuel: PFBR utilizes Mixed Oxide (MOX) fuel, which typically consists of a mixture of plutonium and uranium oxides.
  • Construction Status: PFBR is currently under construction, representing India’s endeavor to develop advanced nuclear technologies for power generation.
  • Significance: Once operational, PFBR will serve as a crucial step in India’s nuclear energy program, demonstrating the feasibility and potential of fast-breeder reactor technology in generating electricity.

Understanding Nuclear Waste

  • Nuclear waste refers to the radioactive byproducts generated from nuclear reactions, particularly in fission reactors, where atoms split to release energy.
  • Fission Process: Neutrons bombard atomic nuclei, causing them to split into smaller elements, releasing energy and additional neutrons.
  • Example: Uranium-235 undergoing fission yields barium-144, krypton-89, and neutrons, constituting nuclear waste if they cannot undergo further fission.
Management Strategies:
  • Spent Fuel Handling: Spent fuel, initially submerged in water for cooling, is eventually transferred to dry casks for long-term storage.
  • Storage Facilities: Nuclear waste requires secure storage facilities to prevent leakage and environmental contamination.
  • Global Inventory: Countries with nuclear power programs accumulate significant quantities of nuclear waste, necessitating effective management strategies.
  • Long-Term Considerations: Some waste remains hazardous for millennia, requiring isolation from human contact.
  • Liquid Waste Treatment: Treatment facilities handle liquid waste, with some countries opting for controlled discharge into oceans.
  • Geological Disposal: Experts propose burying waste in specially designed containers underground, typically in granite or clay formations.
  • Reprocessing: This involves chemically separating fissile material from non-fissile components in spent fuel, enhancing fuel efficiency but requiring specialized facilities.
  • Challenges: Reprocessing can yield weapons-usable plutonium, posing proliferation risks and necessitating stringent security measures.
  • Efficiency vs. Cost: While reprocessing enhances fuel efficiency, it is costly and may yield less desirable plutonium variants for nuclear weapons.

India’s Approach to Nuclear Waste Management

  • India employs reprocessing plants to handle nuclear waste, aiming to extract plutonium for subsequent reactor use and nuclear weapons production.
Reprocessing Facilities:
  • Location: Reprocessing plants are situated in Trombay, Tarapur, and Kalpakkam.
  • Capacity:
    • Trombay: Reprocesses 50 tonnes of heavy metal per year (tHM/y) from research reactors.
    • Tarapur (Two Facilities): One formerly reprocessed 100 tHM/y from certain pressurised heavy water reactors, while the other, commissioned in 2011, has the same capacity.
    • Kalpakkam: Processes 100 tHM/y.
  • Purpose: Reprocessing aims to extract plutonium from spent fuel for use in subsequent reactor stages and nuclear weapons production.
Operational Efficiency:
  • Capacity Utilization: The Tarapur and Kalpakkam facilities reportedly operate at a combined average capacity factor of approximately 15%.
  • Challenges: Operational efficiency may be affected by various factors, including technical limitations and maintenance requirements.
International Perspective:
  • IPFM Report: The International Panel on Fissile Materials (IPFM) provided insights into India’s reprocessing capabilities and operational statistics.

Challenges in Managing Nuclear Waste

 Geological Disposal Risks:

  • Risk of Exposure: Geological disposal methods pose risks of radioactive material exposure if containers are disturbed, potentially due to nearby excavation activities.
  • Example: The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in the US experienced an accident in 2014, releasing radioactive materials due to maintenance failures.

Lack of Private Sector Involvement:

  • Innovation Incentives: Private sector involvement drives innovation through competition and market incentives.
  • Potential Consequences: Without private sector participation, there may be less incentive to develop new technologies and processes for efficient nuclear waste treatment.

Mismanagement of Funds:

  • Nuclear Waste Fund: Legislation like the US Nuclear Waste Policy Act established funds for managing nuclear waste.
  • Underutilization Criticism: Despite accumulating substantial funds, such as the USD 40 billion Nuclear Waste Fund in the US, criticism arises for its underutilization for its intended purpose.

Stakeholder Cooperation Issues:

  • Lack of Collaboration: Effective nuclear waste management requires cooperation among stakeholders.
  • International Collaboration: Given the global nature of the issue, international collaboration is vital to share knowledge, develop best practices, and ensure responsible management.

-Source: The Hindu

January 2025