The International Science, Technology, and Innovation Centre for South-South Cooperation (ISTIC), under UNESCO’s auspices, is hosting a significant STI Conclave titled “Traditional Knowledge for Sustainable Livelihoods” from July 29-31, 2024, in New Delhi, India.
Facts for Prelims
- Full Name: The International Science, Technology and Innovation Centre for South-South Cooperation under the Auspices of UNESCO (ISTIC).
- Category: UNESCO Category 2 Centre.
- Hosting Country: Malaysia, since 2008.
- Purpose: ISTIC serves as an international platform offering sustainable programs and services aimed at enhancing sustainable development for South-South Cooperation.
- Hosting Agreement: The Centre operates under a six-year Agreement between the Malaysian Government, represented by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), and UNESCO. The current agreement spans from February 2022 to January 2028.
- Mission: ISTIC aims to be a leading international platform providing sustainable programs and services, fostering holistic talents towards institutional excellence, and promoting sustainable development for South-South Cooperation.
- Objectives: To facilitate the exchange of students, researchers, scientists, and technologists among developing countries.
UNESCO Category 2 Centre
- Description: These are institutes and centres affiliated with UNESCO, forming a global network of institutions excelling in areas of UNESCO’s competence.
- Role: They are privileged partners of UNESCO, with access to the UNESCO logo and various international and intergovernmental bodies and networks, allowing them to leverage UNESCO’s international reach and convening powers.
- Partnership Strategy: These centres are an integral part of UNESCO’s Comprehensive Partnership Strategy, which aims to promote international cooperation and knowledge sharing.