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About The Gutti Koya Tribe


Gutti Koya tribes people erect stone memorials in the event of death of their three most important service providers namely physician, priest and village leader.


Facts for Prelims

About Gutti Koya tribe

The Gutti Koya tribe is a tribal community primarily found in the states of Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, and Odisha in India. Here are some key points about the Gutti Koya tribe:

  • Language: The Gutti Koya people speak the Koya language, which belongs to the Dravidian language family.
  • Cultural Event: One of the most important cultural events celebrated by the Gutti Koya tribe is the Sammakka Saralamma Jatra. This grand fair takes place once every two years on the full moon day of the Magha Masam (January or February) in Medaram village, Warangal district, Telangana.
  • Shifting Cultivation: The Gutti Koya tribe practices a form of shifting cultivation known as Podu. This traditional agricultural practice involves clearing small patches of land in the forest for cultivation and then moving on to a new plot after a few years. The sustainability of this practice has been a topic of discussion, as it balances economic survival with environmental sustainability.
  • Scheduled Tribe (ST) Status: The Gutti Koya tribe is recognized as a Scheduled Tribe in Chhattisgarh. However, they have not been granted Scheduled Tribe status in their migrated states like Telangana.
  • Livelihood: The Gutti Koya people earn their living through activities such as animal husbandry and the collection of minor forest produce. These include gathering non-timber forest products like medicinal herbs, fruits, nuts, and other natural resources.

Source: Indian Express

October 2024