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The 16th BRICS Summit in Kazan was the largest international summit held in Russia since the Ukraine war began in 2022. Russia used the summit to illustrate that it is not diplomatically isolated, despite Western sanctions and pressure.

Relevance: Internation Relations

Practice question: Discuss the outcomes of the 16th BRICS Summit in Kazan, highlighting its significance for global governance. How does the expansion of BRICS reflect the changing dynamics of the Global South?” (250 words)

Participation and Outreach:

  • Leaders from 9 BRICS nations and partners, including Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister, and around 30 Global South leaders, attended.
  • This wide participation signalled that many non-Western countries do not endorse the isolation of Russia, reflecting the evolving global order.

Economic Cooperation and Alternatives:

  • The Kazan Declaration pushed for alternatives to Western-dominated global systems, highlighting:
  • Interbank Cooperation Mechanism: Aimed at reducing reliance on Western financial systems.
  • Cross-border Payment Systems: An alternative to the U.S.-dominated SWIFT system.
  • BRICS Grain Exchange: For food security.
  • BRICS New Development Bank (NDB): Expansion to counterbalance existing financial institutions like the IMF and World Bank.
  • These initiatives suggest BRICS’ intent to create self-reliant systems.

BRICS Expansion:

  • New members included Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, UAE, and Saudi Arabia.
  • Strategic Importance: Countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran bring energy influence, while Egypt and Ethiopia strengthen BRICS’ presence in Africa.
  • The expansion underscores the bloc’s effort to challenge Western-centric global governance, signalling the rise of the Global South.

India’s Position:

  • Prime Minister Modi balanced India’s role, emphasising BRICS’ inclusivity, stating it is not a divisive organisation.
  • India’s alignment with both BRICS and U.S.-led frameworks (Quad, Indo-Pacific Economic Framework) highlights its diplomatic balancing act.
  • Key Stances:
  • Advocacy for dialogue and diplomacy over conflict.
  • Support for the Palestine issue reflects India’s nuanced foreign policy.

Geopolitical Implications:

  • Challenge to Western Dominance: The summit reaffirmed BRICS’ intent to reform global governance and challenge Western-led structures.
  • Bilateral Diplomacy Platform: The BRICS platform facilitated meetings like the one between India and China, addressing bilateral issues such as the LAC standoff.

Limitations of BRICS:

  • Internal political differences (e.g., India-China tensions) may limit cohesion.
  • Despite its economic growth, BRICS lacks the military and economic power to fully replace Western-led institutions.

Conclusion :

BRICS’ success will depend on managing internal contradictions and presenting a united front. The expansion may lead to greater friction with the West, particularly regarding sanctions and global governance reforms.

BRICS overview :

  • BRICS: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa.
    • Represents 41% of the world’s population24% global GDP, and 16% of world trade.

Formation & Evolution:

  • 2001: Coined by economist Jim O’Neill as BRIC.
    • 2006: Formalized; 2010: South Africa joined, forming BRICS.


  • Peace & Security: Promote a multipolar world.
    • Development & Cooperation: Sustainable growth, trade, investment.
    • Global Governance Reform: Seek UN, IMF, World Bank reforms.
    • Security Cooperation: Combat terrorism.
    • Cultural Exchange: Science, tech, education.

Key Institutions:

  • New Development Bank (NDB): Infrastructure financing.
    • Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA): Liquidity support in crises.

October 2024

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