Recently, the Salem Starch and Sago Manufacturers Service Industrial Cooperative Society Ltd. (popularly called SAGOSERVE) received a Geographical Indication Tag, or GI Tag, for Salem sago.
GS III: Indian Economy
Dimensions of the Article:
- Salem Sago
- Geographical Indications (GI) Tag
Salem Sago:
- Sago is a product derived from raw tapioca.
- It is typically found in the form of small, hard globules or pearls, characterized by their pearl-white color.
- Sago is manufactured from the wet starch powder obtained from crushed tapioca roots.
- The wet starch powder is the primary material used in the production of sago, while the dry powder has various industrial applications.
- Tapioca is a significant horticultural crop cultivated across nearly 3 lakh hectares in Tamil Nadu, yielding around 60 lakh tonnes of the crop.
Climate and Soil Requirements:
- Tapioca thrives in well-drained soil, particularly red lateritic loamy soil.
- It grows best in a tropical, warm, and humid climate.
- Adequate rainfall, with well-distributed precipitation exceeding 100 cm per annum, is essential for tapioca cultivation.
- This crop can be successfully cultivated up to an elevation of 1000 meters above sea level.
Geographical Indications (GI) Tag
Definition and Importance:
- Geographical Indications of Goods indicate the country or place of origin of a product.
- They assure consumers of the product’s quality and distinctiveness derived from its specific geographical locality.
- GI tags are an essential component of intellectual property rights (IPRs) and are protected under international agreements like the Paris Convention and TRIPS.
Administration and Registration:
- Geographical Indications registration in India is governed by the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999.
- The registration and protection are administered by the Geographical Indication Registry under the Department of Industry Promotion and Internal Trade (DIPIT), Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
- The registration is valid for 10 years, and it can be renewed for further periods of 10 years each.
Significance and Examples:
- GI tags provide a unique identity and reputation to products based on their geographical origin.
- The first product in India to receive a GI tag was Darjeeling tea.
- Karnataka has the highest number of GI tags with 47 registered products, followed by Tamil Nadu with 39.
Ownership and Proprietorship:
- Any association, organization, or authority established by law can be a registered proprietor of a GI tag.
- The registered proprietor’s name is entered in the Register of Geographical Indication for the applied product.
- Protection and Enforcement:
- Geographical Indications protect the interests of producers and prevent unauthorized use of the product’s name or origin.
- Enforcement of GI rights helps maintain the quality and reputation of the products associated with their specific geographical regions.
Location of the Geographical Indications Registry:
- The Geographical Indications Registry is located in Chennai, India.
-Source: The Hindu