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About REACHOUT scheme

Focus: GS II: Government Policies and Interventions

Why in News?

Recently, the Union Minister of Earth Sciences said that an umbrella scheme Research, Education and Training Outreach (REACHOUT) is being implemented by the Ministry of Earth Sciences for capacity building.

About REACHOUT scheme

The REACHOUT scheme is a program that aims to support research, education, and training in Earth System Science in India. The scheme includes the following sub-schemes:

  • R&D in Earth System Science (RDESS)
  • International Training Centre for Operational Oceanography (ITCOocean)
  • Program for Development of Skilled manpower in Earth System Sciences (DESK)
Some key points about the REACHOUT scheme include:
  • The scheme is implemented for the entire country, not on a State/UT-wise basis.
  • The main objectives of the sub-schemes are
    • To support R&D activities in Earth System Science,
    • Develop collaborations with international organizations for knowledge transfer,
    • Develop skilled manpower in Earth Sciences.
  • R&D activities are focused on different components of Earth System Science that are theme and need-based, helping to attain national goals set up for MoES.
  • Collaboration with international organizations allows for the mutual transfer of advanced knowledge in science and technology in Earth Sciences and provides services to developing countries.
  • Skilled manpower in Earth Sciences is developed with the support of academic institutions in India and abroad.

March 2025