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About Nyaya Vikas Portal

Focus: GS II: Government policies and Interventions

Why in News?

The Nyaya Vikas Portal has been created for monitoring the implementation of the Centrally Sponsored Scheme, Nyaya Vikas.

About Nyaya Vikas Portal:

  • The Nyaya Vikas Portal is an online platform that facilitates stakeholders with easy access to information regarding funding, documentation, project monitoring, and approval related to the Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) for the Development of Infrastructure Facilities for Districts and Subordinate Judiciary.
  • This portal aims to empower stakeholders by providing them seamless access to relevant information and streamlining the processes involved in the scheme.

Key Features of the Nyaya Vikas Scheme:

  • The Department of Justice has been implementing the Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) for the Development of Infrastructure Facilities for Districts and Subordinate Judiciary since 1993-94.
  • The scheme focuses on providing central assistance to State Governments and Union Territory Administrations for the construction of court halls and residential units for Judicial Officers and Judges of District and Subordinate Courts.
  • The funding pattern for the scheme varies based on the geographical location of the states and union territories:
    • For states other than North Eastern and Himalayan States, the fund sharing pattern is 60:40 between the Centre and the State.
    • For North Eastern and Himalayan States, the fund sharing pattern is 90:10.
    • For Union Territories, the Centre provides 100% funding.
  • The Nyaya Vikas Portal has been developed to monitor and track the implementation of this scheme, ensuring transparency and effective management of the projects.

April 2025