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About NVS-01 Satellite


The NVS-01 satellite was successfully launched by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) using the GSLV-F12, and after a 19-minute flight, it was accurately placed into a Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit.


GS III: Science and Technology

Dimensions of the Article:

  1. About NVS-01
  2. What is NavIC?

About NVS-01

NVS-01 is the first satellite of the second-generation NVS series by ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation).

  • Weight: With a weight of 2,232 kg, it is the heaviest satellite in the constellation.
  • Navigation Payloads: NVS-01 carries navigation payloads in L1, L5, and S bands.
  • Purpose: The satellite aims to provide continuity for NavIC services, the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System, which offers accurate and real-time navigation within India and a 1,500 km region around the country.
  • First-generation Comparison: In contrast to the first-generation NavIC satellites, NVS-01 is much heavier, weighing around 1,425 kg at liftoff.
Rubidium Atomic Clock:
  • NVS-01 incorporates a Rubidium atomic clock, a significant technological advancement developed by India.
  • Some existing satellites in the navigation constellation faced accuracy issues due to failed atomic clocks.
  • NVS-01 aims to rectify this problem by ensuring precise time measurements for accurate location information.
Signal Frequencies:
  • In addition to the L5 and S frequency signals provided by existing satellites, NVS-01 will also transmit signals in the L1 frequency.
  • This enhances interoperability with other satellite-based navigation systems.
  • The L1 frequency, widely used in the Global Positioning System (GPS), facilitates the use of regional navigation systems in wearable devices and personal trackers with low-power, single-frequency chips.
Extended Mission Life:
  • NVS-01 is designed for a longer mission life of over 12 years, surpassing the 10-year mission life of existing satellites.

What is NavIC?

  • NavIC, or Navigation with Indian Constellation, is an independent stand-alone navigation satellite system developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation.
  • NavIC was originally approved in 2006 at a cost of $174 million. It was expected to be completed by late 2011, but only became operational in 2018.
  • NavIC consists of eight satellites and covers the whole of India’s landmass and up to 1,500 km (930 miles) from its boundaries.
  • Currently, NavIC’s use is limited. It is being used in public vehicle tracking in India, for providing emergency warning alerts to fishermen venturing into the deep sea where there is no terrestrial network connectivity, and for tracking and providing information related to natural disasters.
How does NavIC compare?
  • The main difference is the serviceable area covered by these systems.
  • GPS caters to users across the globe and its satellites circle the earth twice a day, while NavIC is currently for use in India and adjacent areas.
  • Like GPS, there are three more navigation systems that have global coverage –
    • Galileo from the European Union,
    • Russia-owned GLONASS
    • China’s Beidou
  • QZSS, operated by Japan, is another regional navigation system covering Asia-Oceania region, with a focus on Japan.
  • India’s 2021 satellite navigation draft policy stated the government will work towards “expanding the coverage from regional to global” to ensure availability of NavIC signal in any part of the world.

-Source: The Hindu

March 2025