Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 15 December 2022
- The breakthrough fusion energy
- Reforming India’s pension system
The Breakthrough Fusion Energy
For the first time, scientists in the United States have achieved a net gain in energy from a nuclear fusion reaction.
GS Paper 3: Science and Technology- developments and their applications and effects in everyday life.
Mains Question
Consider nuclear fusion energy as a potential source of clean energy in the near future. (250 words)
Click Here To Read More: The Breakthrough Fusion Energy
Reforming India’s Pension System
- The Old Pension Scheme (OPS) was recently mentioned as a prominent election promise in Himachal Pradesh and Gujarat.
- Previously, the states of Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, and Jharkhand transitioned from the reform-oriented contributory National Pension System to the non-contributory defined benefit OPS in April 2022. (NPS).
- While highlighting the fundamental differences between OPS and NPS, the article provides a broad overview of India’s pension system.
GS Paper – 2: Government Policies & Interventions, Welfare Schemes, Issues Related to Elderly, Human Resource
Mains Question
In countries such as India, modern social security has been a response to many issues that have arisen as a result of the development process. Discuss. (250 words)
Click Here To Read More: Reforming India’s Pension System