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PIB Summaries 11 August 2022


  1. Pradhan Mantri Adi Adarsh Gram Yojana
  2. Lumpy skin disease

Pradhan Mantri Adi Adarsh Gram Yojana

Focus: GS II- Welfare schemes

Why in News?

Recently, Government has modified the earlier scheme of ‘Special Central Assistance to Tribal Sub-Scheme (SCA to TSS)’ with nomenclature ‘Pradhan Mantri Adi Adarsh Gram Yojana (PMAAGY)’ for implementation during 2021-22 to 2025-26.

About Pradhan Mantri Adi Adarsh Gram Yojana

  • By providing Special Central Assistance as an addition to the State Tribal Sub-Plan, it supports the efforts of State Governments to promote the welfare of Tribal People (TSP).
  • It attempts to address funding gaps and provide essential infrastructure in communities with sizable tribal populations by combining funds from other Central Scheduled Tribe Component programmes.

Click Here To Read More: Pradhan Mantri Adi Adarsh Gram Yojana

About Lumpy Skin Disease

Focus: GS-III Science and Technology

Why in News?

Providing a big relief to the livestock of the country, the Union Minister for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare launched the indigenous vaccine Lumpi-ProVacInd to protect livestock from Lumpy Skin disease.

  • The vaccine has been developed by the National Equine Research Center, Hisar (Haryana) in collaboration with the Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izzatnagar (Bareilly).

About Lumpy Skin Disease

  • It is caused by infection of cattle or buffalo with the poxvirus Lumpy skin disease virus (LSDV).
  • The virus is one of three closely related species within the genus capripoxvirus, the other two species being Sheeppox virus and Goatpox virus.


  • It appears as nodules of two to five-centimetre diameter all over the body, particularly around the head, neck, limbs, udder and genitals.
  • The lumps gradually open up like large and deep wounds.


  • The LSD virus easily spreads by blood-sucking insects like mosquitoes, flies and ticks and through saliva and contaminated water and food.

Click Here To Read More: About Lumpy Skin Disease



July 2024