- Digital Agriculture Mission
- Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD)
Digital Agriculture Mission
- Approved by the Government on 2nd September 2024 with an outlay of ₹2817 crore.
- ₹54.972 crore allocated for FY 2025-26; funds released based on state proposals.
- Aims to create a robust digital ecosystem for agriculture, improving access to farmer-centric digital solutions and real-time crop-related data.
Components of the Mission
A. Digital Public Infrastructure for Agriculture (DPIA)
- Encompasses various IT-driven initiatives by Central and State Governments.
- Includes Agristack, Krishi Decision Support System, Comprehensive Soil Fertility & Profile Map, and other digital innovations.
B. Agristack: Core Digital Initiative
- Aims to establish a structured agricultural database for improved decision-making.
- Comprises three foundational registries:
- Farmers’ Registry – Digital database of farmers’ demographic details.
- Geo-referenced Village Maps – Mapping of agricultural land parcels.
- Crop Sown Registry – Real-time data on crops sown across various regions.
- Maintained by State Governments/UTs with central administrative and technical support.
C. Benefits of Agristack
- Farmer Authentication: Helps farmers digitally verify their identities for accessing government benefits.
- Access to Credit & Insurance: Facilitates loans, insurance, and procurement services.
- Market Linkages: Supports online transactions for purchase and sale of inputs and produce in a trust-based digital environment.
Integration with National Agriculture Market (e-NAM)
- e-NAM is a virtual platform integrating physical wholesale markets (mandis) across India.
- Enables transparent price discovery and ensures better prices for farmers.
- As of December 31, 2024:
- 1410 mandis integrated across 23 States and 4 UTs.
- Facilitates online agricultural commodity trading at a national scale.
Challenges and Way Forward
A. Challenges
- Data Privacy Concerns: Ensuring farmer data security and preventing misuse.
- Digital Divide: Limited access to smartphones and internet in rural areas.
- Interoperability Issues: Need for seamless integration between different state and central digital platforms.
- Infrastructure Bottlenecks: Connectivity issues, especially in remote agricultural regions.
B. Potential Solutions
- Strengthening Cybersecurity: Implement robust data protection mechanisms.
- Digital Literacy Programs: Train farmers on using digital platforms effectively.
- Enhancing Rural Connectivity: Expand broadband access in agricultural belts.
- Harmonizing Data Standards: Ensure uniformity across state and central databases.
- The Digital Agriculture Mission is a transformative step toward modernizing India’s agriculture sector.
- Agristack and e-NAM are key enablers for data-driven decision-making, financial inclusion, and market accessibility for farmers.
Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD)
- Nature of the Disease:
- Highly contagious viral disease affecting cloven-hoofed animals like cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goats, and pigs.
- Causes fever, blisters on the mouth and feet, and can lead to severe economic losses.
- Although it has low mortality in adults, it severely affects productivity (milk yield, growth rate, and fertility).
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- Economic and Agricultural Impact:
- Reduces milk production and meat quality, leading to financial losses for farmers.
- Affects trade due to restrictions on livestock exports from infected areas.
- Requires intensive control measures, including mass vaccination and surveillance.
National Animal Disease Control Programme (NADCP) (2019)
- Objective: To control and eradicate FMD through vaccination and animal tracking.
- Funding: 100% central assistance to States/UTs for FMD vaccination.
- Integration: Included under Livestock Health and Disease Control Programme (LHDCP) since 2021.
Components of NADCP:
Vaccination Strategy:
- Quality vaccines procured and distributed centrally.
- Ear-tagging of vaccinated animals for tracking.
- Financial support for vaccination accessories and cold chain infrastructure.
Monitoring and Data Management:
- Livestock registration and vaccination data uploaded on Bharat Pashudhan portal.
- Seromonitoring & serosurveillance conducted to track vaccine efficacy.
Capacity Building & Awareness:
- Financial aid to research institutions (ICAR-NIFMD, ICAR-IVRI, NIVEDI, etc.).
- Awareness programs for farmers and stakeholders.
FMD-Free Zone Approach
- Concept: Creating disease-free zones to improve control measures.
- Current Focus States (9 states):
- Gujarat, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Haryana, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Uttarakhand.
- Expansion based on state-specific requirements.
Progress & Achievements under NADCP
Mass Vaccination Drive
- Total FMD vaccinations under NADCP (Till Jan 2025): 107.34 crore
Reduction in Disease Incidence
- Over 60% reduction in FMD outbreaks since NADCP launch.
- Outbreaks are now sporadic, with fewer animals affected.
Effectiveness of Vaccination Programme
- Seromonitoring Results: Indicate increasing protective immunity.
- Serosurveillance: Shows a decreasing trend of infection risk.
Review Mechanism & Policy Coordination
- National & Regional Reviews:
- Regular meetings to assess vaccination and control measures.
- 17th August 2024: National review meeting for “FMD-Mukt Bharat”.
- Regional reviews conducted twice a year.
- State-specific Action Plans: Address local challenges in vaccination and monitoring.
Challenges in FMD Eradication
- Vaccine Coverage & Logistics:
- Ensuring full vaccine coverage across rural and remote areas.
- Maintaining cold chain infrastructure for vaccine potency.
- Disease Surveillance:
- Need for real-time monitoring and rapid response to outbreaks.
- Improving coordination among veterinary health workers.
- Farmer Awareness & Participation:
- Addressing vaccine hesitancy and misinformation.
- Increasing participation in tracking and reporting livestock health.
Future Directions
- Strengthening Surveillance Mechanisms:
- AI-based disease tracking via Bharat Pashudhan portal.
- Expanding seromonitoring for vaccine efficacy evaluation.
- Expanding FMD-Free Zones:
- Gradual inclusion of more states under the special focus category.
- Strengthening cross-border surveillance to prevent re-introduction.
- Boosting Research & Development:
- Development of more effective vaccines.
- Collaborative research on new diagnostic techniques for early detection.
- NADCP has significantly reduced FMD outbreaks, demonstrating the success of mass vaccination, monitoring, and policy interventions.
- Continued efforts in disease surveillance, awareness, and research are essential for achieving FMD-Mukt Bharat.