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Mental Health in India’s Material World

The theme of World Mental Health Day 2024 is “Prioritising mental health in the workplace”, indicating a growing mental health crisis both globally and in India. Millions of Indians are facing issues with anxiety, depression, and work pressure every single day. Undermined Mental health by relentless productivity, making the situation worse. The issue demands urgent attention and collective efforts.

Relevance: GS1 Society and GS2 Social Justice.

Mains Question: Discuss the impacts of rising mental health issues in India, focusing on socio-economics. Suggest effective measures to address the growing crisis considering the role of workplace stress and urbanisation. (250 words )


Over 197 million people in India suffer from mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety,  etc. (The Lancet Psychiatry Commission).

Aspects associated with the article:

Economic growth :

  • It has opened new opportunities at the same time contributed to societal pressure, especially in urban areas. Material success is not delivering true well-being.

Philosophy :

  • Existential questions like “Who am I ??” “What is the purpose of my life ?” ignored over material, productivity pursuit.

EudaimoniaAristotle’s philosophy explains how the state of well-being is achieved through living a virtuous life.


  • Societal pressure, severe competition, and financial instability cause mental health crises.Isolation, social comparison and inadequacy of material wealth, escalating mental issues.
  • Ex: The National Mental Health Survey (2015-16) found that the prevalence of mental health disorders is higher in urban areas (14.5%) compared to rural areas (10.8%).

Distorted work-life balance :

  • For example, the Karnataka Shops and Commercial Establishments (amendment) Bill 2024 permits employees to work more than 12 hours a day.

Collective action, and community as solutions:

  • According to studies Strong social connections, supportive communities and meaningful work are key to mental health
  • Ex: In BrazilCommunity gardens have helped residents to achieve a sense of belongingness and shared responsibilities.

Consumer choice and mental health :

  • Many people believe in the ability to buy more things as success. This notion of material wealth over deeper values like equality and mindfulness creates trouble in the long run.
  • When happiness is associated with buying power, feeling of inadequacy brings mental health issues like stress and anxiety.

Other factors responsible for rising mental health issues in India :

Stress at the workplace :

  • A survey by the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER) found that 42.5% of employees in the private sector suffer from depression or general anxiety disorder.

Lack of Awareness:

  • The stigma around mental health remains a significant barrier. Live Love Laugh Foundation study found that 47% of Indians believe that people with mental health disorders should be avoided.

Key initiatives for the promotion of mental health:

  • National mental health policy, to address mental illness and promote recovery, to destigmatize mental issues
  • Tele-Manas to provide 24*7 remote access to mental health care
  • Mental Health Care Act,2017 to ensure the right to access mental health care and treatments.

Addressing mental health issues in India is the need of the hour. Policy interventions, community coordination, and individual efforts must work hand in hand. Efforts should also extend beyond viewing success solely as a material pursuit and consumerism.

October 2024