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Voter turnout in Haryana Assembly elections higher than Lok Sabha voting

Focus: GS II: Polity and Governance

Why in News?

A voter turnout of 67.9% has been recorded across the 90 Assembly Constituencies (ACs) in the Haryana Assembly Elections 2024.

These figures are significantly higher voter response compared to last Lok Sabha elections which recorded 64.8% voting in the state. 

Voting Stats:

India has a large and diverse population, and the voter demographics can vary significantly between states. However, some general statistics about Indian voters include:

  • Gender: As of 2021, there are around 500 million female voters and 400 million male voters in India. However, the gender gap in voter turnout has been narrowing in recent elections.
  • Age: Around 60% of Indian voters are below the age of 35.
  • Literacy: The literacy rate among Indian voters is around 74%.
  • Voter turnout: Voter turnout in India has been around 66% in recent national elections. However, voter turnout can vary significantly between states, with some states having voter turnout of over 80% and others having voter turnout of less than 60%.
  • Voter registration: As of 2021, the number of registered voters in India is around 900 million.
  • Rural and Urban: Around 70% of Indian voters live in rural areas.

It’s worth noting that the above information is based on the knowledge cut off of 2020 and the latest updates of assembly seats allocation may differ.

October 2024