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For Enquiry

What were the events that led to the Quit India Movement? Point out its results. (Answer in 150 words)


  • The Quit India Movement, launched on August 8, 1942, was a crucial turning point in India’s struggle for independence. Several factors contributed to its initiation.


Events Leading to the Movement:

  • Failure of Cripps Mission (1942): The Cripps Mission, sent by the British to secure Indian cooperation in World War II, failed due to its vague promises of post-war dominion status.
  • Impact of World War II: The British decision to involve India in the war without consulting Indian leaders sparked resentment.
  • Rising Public Discontent: Economic hardships, widespread famines, inflation, and repression during the war years led to mass dissatisfaction.
  • Influence of Gandhiji: Gandhi’s call for immediate British withdrawal with the slogan “Do or Die” reflected the mood of the nation, uniting people under the demand for complete independence.

Results of the Movement:

  • Mass Uprisings: Despite brutal repression, with leaders arrested and communication cut off, widespread protests, strikes, and sabotage erupted across the country.
  • Repression and Setback: The movement was suppressed by the British, leading to arrests, violence, and martial law in many areas, but it intensified the demand for independence.
  • Post-War Negotiations: Though unsuccessful in the short term, the Quit India Movement laid the groundwork for post-war negotiations that ultimately led to independence in 1947.


  • The Quit India Movement, while crushed, demonstrated the Indian people’s resolve, signaling to the British that they could no longer maintain their rule.

October 2024