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Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 13 June 2024

  1. India’s Rapid Shift Towards Chemical-Free Farming
  2. The State of India-U.S. Ties


There was a time when all produce in the country was organic, with farmers relying on natural manures like cow dung and compost for fertilization. Although yields were lower, the produce was healthy, flavorful, and the farming practices were sustainable. The introduction of chemical fertilizers significantly boosted yields but brought numerous side effects. In this context, organic farming presents a viable solution.


  • GS1- Agricultural Resources
  • GS2- Government Policies & Interventions
  • GS3- Cropping Patterns

Mains Question:

As consumer awareness of health and sustainability surges, India is witnessing an unprecedented rise in the organic food market. Discuss the potential and associated challenges in the field of organic farming in India. (15 Marks, 250 Words).

Organic Farming:

  • With increasing awareness, many people are now turning to organic products to enjoy healthy, chemical-free food.
  • Over the past decade, India’s organic product market has experienced unprecedented growth, driven by a rise in consumer awareness about health, sustainability, and environmental impact.
  • Organic farming, also known as ecological or biological farming, employs an agricultural approach that uses organic fertilizers such as compost manure, green manure, and bone meal. It emphasizes practices like crop rotation and companion planting.
  • This method relies on biological pesticides and fertilizers derived from plant or animal waste to produce high-quality, nutritionally rich foods without chemicals.
  • Its primary aim is to create a sustainable system that conserves energy, soil, and water resources while promoting environmental health.
  • Organic farming emerged in response to the environmental harm caused by chemical pesticides and synthetic fertilizers.
  • It represents a new agricultural paradigm focused on enhancing, maintaining, and restoring ecological balance.

Relevant Statistics:

  • As urban populations look for healthier lifestyle options, the demand for organic food has surged, extending beyond niche markets to mainstream consumer preferences.
  • The organic food market in India, valued at $1,582.2 million in 2023, is projected to grow exponentially to $8,918.5 million by 2032, reflecting an impressive annual growth rate of 21.19%.
  • This rapid growth highlights a broader trend towards sustainability and eco-friendliness, making organic foods increasingly popular among consumers.

Growth of Brands with Organic Products:

  • Today, organic companies boast an impressive portfolio with hundreds of Stock keeping units (SKUs), including staples like pulses, millet, wheat, mustard, barley, rice, and oils.
  • Their products are readily available not only on their own websites but also on major e-commerce platforms such as Amazon, Flipkart, and Bigbasket, making them easily accessible to a wide consumer base.
  • These brands have also diversified into seed verticals, offering organic seeds for wheat, barley, mustard, and other grains, ensuring that their sustainable farming practices start right from the beginning of the agricultural process.
  • Notably, organic companies are dedicated to sustainable farming practices and the welfare of farmers.
  • They offer specialized training programs to farmers to improve crop management skills and increase yields. It is crucial to protect farmers from potential contaminants in their food supply to ensure that end consumers receive truly organic products.
  • Maintaining high-quality standards in organic farming is essential; otherwise, consumer trust could be compromised, affecting the entire industry.
  • With online registration and certification processes, many fraudulent practices in the sector have been eradicated. However, the field still faces challenges.

Associated Challenges:

  • Transitioning from chemical to organic farming is not simple and requires a painstaking process, but the rewards are significant.
  • Converting agricultural land to organic farming typically takes around three years, and in areas with heavy chemical fertilizer use, it may take even longer.
  • Moreover, fraudulent activities can damage reputations, and prices are sometimes inflated unrealistically.
  • Experts question whether organic materials can supply all necessary nutrients in the required quantities. Even if this issue is resolved, they believe the available organic matter is insufficient to meet demands.
  • Unlike non-perishable grains, which can be grown and transported anywhere, fruits and vegetables have limitations in where they can be grown and how they are distributed.
  • Due to the meticulous care required in organic farming, the resulting products often come with a higher price tag.
  • Many large organic farms still operate using industrial agriculture methods, including the transportation of food from field to plate. This often involves environmentally harmful practices similar to those of factory farms, despite being labeled as organic.


The growth of organic products in India reflects the changing consumer landscape and increasing awareness about health and sustainability. Although organic products currently hold just one percent of the market share, the sector is experiencing exponential growth at a rate of 20 percent annually, indicating a rising demand for organic food and growing consumer interest.


This month marks a year since the Indian Prime Minister’s state visit to the United States, where the US President warmly welcomed him and offered to revive a decade-old plan to transfer jet engine technology to India. The visit featured numerous announcements of strategic and high-tech cooperation, with the U.S.-India initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology (iCET) being hailed as a major success that would pave the way for a new phase in bilateral relations.



  • Bilateral, Regional and Global Groupings and Agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests.
  • Effect of Policies and Politics of Developed and Developing Countries on India’s interests, Indian Diaspora.
  • Important International Institutions, agencies and fora – their Structure, Mandate.

Mains Question:

Discuss the recent highs and lows of India- US bilateral ties. How could these ties be leveraged towards the fulfilment of broader goals of the two nations? (15 Marks, 250 Words).

Progress After a Year:

  • However, a year later, the relationship’s progress has not met these ambitious expectations due to various external and internal factors.
  • As the newly re-elected Indian Prime Minister prepares to engage with the U.S. President again this week at the G-7 outreach summit in Italy, and with senior U.S. officials set to visit Delhi, it is essential to closely examine the “good, the not-so-good, and what could become ugly” aspects of the relationship, to borrow a phrase from a Hollywood western.

The Crests:

  • The positive and even excellent aspects of the India-U.S. relationship are clear. Last September marked 25 years since the turnaround in ties post-Pokhran, which was signaled by Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s notable speech at the Asia Society in New York on September 28, 1998.
  • He referred to India and the U.S. as “natural allies in the quest for a better future” for the world in the 21st century.
  • Since then, Delhi and Washington have progressively built strategic ties, engaging in dialogues across an increasing number of areas—from climate change and green energy to critical and emerging technologies and outer space.
  • Over the past decade, there has been a notable increase in strategic trust between India and the U.S., marked by the conclusion of all foundational agreements, numerous military exercises, enhanced interoperability and coordination in maritime operations, and significant military hardware purchases in the pipeline.
  • A broader mutual understanding has emerged as many longstanding irritants have faded: the de-hyphenation of U.S.-India ties with Pakistan, reduced tensions over Jammu-Kashmir, India’s greater involvement with the Quad (India, Australia, Japan, and the U.S.), the U.S.’s Indo-Pacific strategy, and shared concerns over China’s aggression have increasingly aligned Delhi and Washington on the international stage.
  • While bilateral engagement has flourished, driven by numerous official-level conversations, some “not-so-good” or ongoing areas of work remain, particularly in multilateral cooperation on global conflicts.
  • One major area of divergence is Russia’s war in Ukraine. The U.S. views the conflict through the lens of international rule of law and humanitarian principles, whereas India considers it from a historical perspective that includes the impact on the Global South regarding food, fertilizer, and energy security.
  • There have been some compromises: the U.S. has refrained from objecting to India’s continued purchase of Russian oil and other exports and has avoided talk of sanctions, while India has postponed the annual India-Russia summit for two years.
  • Additionally, the U.S.’s moral stance has been somewhat undercut by its support for Israel’s bombardment of Gaza and the ongoing civilian casualties, despite calls from the United Nations, the International Criminal Court, and the International Court of Justice to cease the attacks.

The China Factor:

  • On the multilateral front, concerns over China’s threats against Taiwan and the latest tensions with the Philippines in the South China Sea have slightly hindered India-U.S. cooperation within the Quad. This slowdown is primarily due to logistical issues.
  • President Biden’s decision to decline the invitation for India’s Republic Day in 2024 resulted in the postponement of the Quad Summit, which the U.S. has indicated will not be rescheduled until after the U.S. elections in November.
  • The upcoming Quad Foreign Ministers’ meeting in Japan is also in question, depending on U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken’s availability.
  • Furthermore, there has been no Indian Ambassador in Washington for months, and relations between South Block and U.S. Ambassador to India Eric Garcetti have been strained following his comments on Manipur and human rights.
  • The U.S. State Department’s remarks on the state of democracy in India ahead of the 2024 general election and the consistent negative assessments in its Religious Freedom report have angered India’s Ministry of External Affairs, leading to the summoning of a senior U.S. diplomat and widening the diplomatic gap.
  • Washington has been perceived as overly offensive and interfering, while New Delhi has reacted defensively.


Against the backdrop of adjusting to new coalition dynamics following the surprising general election results and with the window for engagement with the U.S. government narrowing as it approaches the “lame-duck” period, Indian officials and leaders face significant challenges. Therefore, the upcoming Biden-Modi meeting and the subsequent visit by Mr. Sullivan to Delhi for the iCET review, as agreed during their recent phone call, are crucial for revitalizing the relationship, a year after it seemed to have peaked.

October 2024