
Simultaneous elections, often referred to as “One Nation, One Election,” involve conducting elections for the Lok Sabha, all state Legislative Assemblies, and urban and rural local bodies (municipalities and panchayats) concurrently.

According to the High-Level Committee (HLC) report, India currently experiences five to six elections annually. When including municipal and panchayat elections, this number increases significantly.


Major Recommendations of the Committee

Amending the Constitution

  • The Constitution should be amended in two phases to facilitate simultaneous elections:
  • Phase One: Conduct simultaneous elections for the Lok Sabha and State Assemblies without requiring state ratification for the constitutional amendment.
  • Phase Two: Synchronize elections for municipalities and panchayats with the Lok Sabha and State Assembly elections, ensuring local body elections are held within 100 days of the general and state elections. This phase requires ratification by at least half of the states.

Single Electoral Roll and Election ID

  • Amend the Constitution to empower the Election Commission of India to prepare a single electoral roll and issue electoral photo identity cards for all three levels of government, in consultation with state election commissions. These amendments also require ratification by at least half of the states.

Handling a Hung House or No-confidence Motion

  • In the event of a hung House, no-confidence motion, or similar situations, fresh elections should be held to form a new Lok Sabha or state Assembly for the remaining term of the House.

Meeting Logistical Requirements

  • The Election Commission of India should plan and estimate logistical needs in advance, in coordination with State Election Commissions.
  • This includes the deployment of manpower, polling personnel, security forces, and EVMs/VVPATs to ensure free and fair simultaneous elections at all three levels of government.


Currently, elections for different levels of government are conducted independently, following timelines specific to each elected body.
Historical efforts for simultaneous elections were seen in 1957 when elections were held concurrently in seven states: Bihar, Bombay,

Madras, Mysore, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal.

The push for “One Nation, One Election” aims to streamline the electoral process, reduce the frequency of elections, and ensure more efficient governance.

Legacy Editor Changed status to publish June 8, 2024