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About The Picocystis Salinarum


Recently, a young researcher has divulged the secret of how the Picocystis Salinarum survives the harshest of conditions by resorting to physiological adaptation to highly saline-alkaline/hyperosmotic conditions.


Facts for Prelims

Dimensions of the Article:

  1. Picocystis Salinarum
  2. Sambhar Lake – Key Facts

Picocystis Salinarum

  • Type: Globally widespread picoplanktonic green algae.
  • Size: One of the smallest green algae.
  • Habitat: Found in hypersaline soda lake Sambhar, Rajasthan.
  • First Sighting: First observed in India in Sambhar Lake, Rajasthan, despite being found in saline-soda lakes worldwide.
Unique Features
  • Survival in Extreme Environments:
    • Adapted to hypersaline conditions, showcasing its ability to survive in extreme environments.
  • Enhanced Photosynthesis:
    • Exhibits enhanced photosynthetic activity in highly saline-alkaline conditions, a notable feature as photosynthesis is typically suppressed under hyperosmotic conditions in most photosynthetic organisms.
  • Response Mechanism:
    • Utilizes chaperone proteins as a key response to high salinity-alkalinity.

Sambhar Lake – Key Facts

  • Largest Saline Wetland: India’s largest saline wetland located in Rajasthan.
  • Ephemeral Salt Lake: Characterized as an ephemeral salt lake.
  • Ramsar Site: Designated as a Ramsar Site, recognizing it as a wetland of international importance.
  • Geographical Representation: Represents the depression of the Aravalli Range.
  • Water Sources: Receives water from five rivers: Samaod, Khari, Mantha, Khandela, Medtha, and Roopangarh.

July 2024