
After gaining independence, India faced a multitude of challenges, among which the language issue stood as one of the most divisive problems.

Many states advocated for reorganization based on language, leading to debates about the status of languages in the country.
The Constitution of India did not grant national status to any particular language. Article 343 designated Hindi in the Devanagari script as the official language of the Union.

Three-Language Formula and the Debate on National Language:

  • The language debate evolved over time, and in 1968, the National Policy on Education was adopted.
  • The Three-Language Formula included the following components:
    • First language: Mother tongue or regional language.
    • Second language: English or another modern Indian language in Hindi-speaking states; Hindi or English in non-Hindi-speaking states.
    • Third language: Introduced later in school, serving a limited purpose.
  • The formula aimed to promote regional languages and foster cross-regional language learning, strengthening unity through linguistic diversity.
  • However, practical implementation faced challenges and contradictions.
  • Hindi-speaking states often opted for Sanskrit instead of regional languages, undermining the formula’s intent.
  • Some states, such as Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and West Bengal, emphasized their state languages over Hindi.

Challenges of Having a Single Language:

  • The Constitution envisions India as a federation of states, and linguistic diversity played a crucial role in state formation.
  • Dravidian states in South India resisted the imposition of Hindi due to linguistic and cultural differences.
  • Promoting a single language could lead to economic, academic, and administrative disparities.
  • Homogenizing language could threaten linguistic diversity, leading to Hindi-centric dominance.
  • Each language carries unique complexities, making it difficult for non-native speakers to comprehend government policies.
  • Migratory trends and urbanization create multilingual spaces; imposing a single language is unjust to cosmopolitan centers.
  • Advocating for a single link language could hamper economic growth and cross-regional interactions.
  • Imposing a monolithic idea of unity might generate hostility with neighboring countries.

Nationalism should celebrate cultural diversity while fostering unity. India’s complexity prevents monolingual unity seen in other countries. While promoting Hindi as prescribed by the Constitution, equal opportunities for regional languages should be ensured. Respect for linguistic diversity can truly unify India while upholding its pluralistic spirit.

Legacy Editor Changed status to publish January 29, 2025