
Water scarcity is a significant global issue with especially catastrophic consequences for a water-rich country like India. As population growth, urbanisation, and industrialisation drive up demand for water, the quantity of freshwater sources remains limited.

This water deficit is not confined to Bengaluru; it affects the entire state of Karnataka as well as neighboring states like Telangana and Maharashtra.

Reasons Behind Water Scarcity

Low Rainfall
Bengaluru’s crisis stems from scanty rainfall in the Cauvery basin, which supplies 60% of the city’s water, along with the depletion of its groundwater reserves.

Falling Reservoir Levels
Water levels in reservoirs have dropped to critically low levels, exacerbating the shortage.

Rapid and unplanned urbanisation has significantly contributed to the water crisis, increasing demand and reducing natural recharge areas.

Increased Pollution of Water Bodies
Pollution from industrial, agricultural, and domestic sources has contaminated many water bodies, rendering them unusable.

Inefficient Agricultural Practices
Traditional agricultural methods often waste water, further straining resources.

Excessive Groundwater Extraction
Over-extraction of groundwater has led to a severe drop in water tables.

Poor Recharge of Rivers and Aquifers
Encroachment on water bodies and lack of conservation efforts have hampered the natural recharge of rivers and aquifers.


Long-term structural issues, such as unregulated construction, systematic destruction of lakes, disruption of natural underground water flows, and climate change, severely impact water availability in Bengaluru.

Water scarcity has significantly affected the daily lives of citizens.

To combat this, the Bengaluru Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB) has implemented regulations banning the use of potable water for non-essential activities such as washing cars, gardening, filling swimming pools, construction, and entertainment. Violators face a penalty of Rs 5,000.

By addressing these factors with a comprehensive and sustainable approach, India can mitigate the severe impacts of water scarcity on its population and economy.

Legacy Editor Changed status to publish June 26, 2024