Innovative activity as a driver of competitiveness and economic growth. India’s improvement in the Global Innovation Index (GII) from 81 in 2015 to 46 in 2021. The need for further advancement to achieve self-reliance, especially in the digital revolution era.

Steps to Boost SIRD:

Increased Government Spending:

  • SIRD reliant on government investment, infrastructure, and institutions.
  • Gross Expenditure on R&D (GERD) tripled over the last decade.
  • Per capita R&D expenditure rose to PPP $47.2 in 2017-18 from PPP $29.2 in 2007-08.

Uchhatar Avishkar Yojana (UAY):

  • Promotes impactful innovation for industry needs.
  • Strengthens Indian manufacturing’s competitive edge.
  • Encourages academia-industry collaborations.

Opening of Defence R&D:

  • Industry, startups, academia allowed in defence R&D.
  • 25% of defence budget allocated for such activities.

Research Parks:

  • IITs established research parks for industry-academia collaboration.
  • Enhances entrepreneurship and R&D collaboration.
  • E.g., Research parks at IIT Delhi, IIT Guwahati, etc.

NITI Aayog’s Initiatives:

  • Supports policy-led innovation in sectors like electronics, biotech, etc.
  • Releases India Innovation Index for competitiveness.

STIP Policy:

  • Strengthens STI ecosystem for Atmanirbhar Bharat.
  • Establishes National Research Foundation (NRF) to catalyze research.

IMPRINT Initiative:

  • Focuses on viable tech solutions in key domains.
  • Translates knowledge into technology.
  • E.g., Healthcare, energy, advanced materials, etc.

PURSE Scheme:

  • Boosts research capacity of Indian universities.
  • Nurtures research ecosystem and R&D base.

Design-Linked Incentive (DLI) Scheme:

  • Allocates ₹76,000 crores for semiconductor and display fabs.
  • Fuels growth across sectors, leverages tech.

Tax Incentives and CSR:

  • Offers R&D super deductions (200%).
  • Allows corporate social responsibility investment in R&D.

Role of Robust IPR:

Increase in Patent Filing:

  • Rising patents by Indian enterprises, institutions (8,841 in 2011 to 23,141 in 2020).
  • Challenge in transforming applications to granted patents.

Jugaad Innovation:

  • Suggestion for a petty patents regime.
  • Limited protection for incremental innovations, especially by MSMEs.

Utility Models or Petty Patents:

  • Provides short-term protection for minor innovations.
  • Encourages innovation rivalries, especially among MSMEs.

IPR’s Role in Driving Innovations:

  • Intellectual Property drives innovation by rewarding inventors.
  • Government support in IPR filing promotes innovation and R&D.

Need for Robust IPR Policy:

  • Emerging countries face challenges from developed nations.
  • Necessity for a strong IPR policy amidst global trade dynamics.

India’s ascent in global innovation rankings reflects its potential. R&D culture and innovation can be nurtured through funding and petty patents. India poised for greater innovation with the right policy focus.

Legacy Editor Changed status to publish June 19, 2024