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2D Protein Monolayer Unravels Amyloidosis


Recently, researchers have achieved a significant breakthrough in disease study through the creation of a two-dimensional (2D) protein monolayer using lysozyme molecules.


GS III: Science and Technology

Dimensions of the Article:

  1. Major Highlights of the Research
  2. Lysozyme
  3. Amyloidosis

Major Highlights of the Research

Molecular Assembly:

  • Scientists assembled lysozyme molecules into a 2D monolayer at the interface of a pure water subphase.

Model for Amyloidosis:

  • The arranged layers of lysozyme provide a unique model for investigating the complexities of Amyloidosis.

Langmuir-Blodgett Technique:

  • Utilized the Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique to create specialized two-dimensional protein layers.
  • This technique involves forming monolayers of molecules, including proteins, at air-water and air-solid interfaces.

pH-Dependent Changes:

  • Observed changes in the structure and shape of lysozyme molecules under different pH conditions.
  • These changes mirror abnormalities seen in Amyloidosis.

Research Significance:

  • Offers deeper insights into Amyloidosis, contributing to a better understanding of disease mechanisms.
  • Establishes a versatile platform for exploring nanotechnology applications in protein science.


  • Lysozyme is a naturally occurring enzyme present in bodily secretions such as tears, saliva, and mucus.
Defensive Role:
  • Plays a vital role in the body’s defense system by combating bacteria.
  • Acts by breaking down the cell walls of specific bacteria, disrupting their structure and leading to destruction.
Airway Fluid Component:
  • Principal component of airway fluid.
  • Serves as a model protein in the study of diseases like Amyloidosis, associated with multi-organ dysfunction.


  • Amyloidosis encompasses a set of uncommon disorders marked by the buildup of anomalous protein aggregates known as amyloids in diverse organs and tissues across the body.
  • Comprising misfolded proteins, these amyloid formations can interfere with the regular functioning of organs such as the heart, kidneys, liver, and spleen, leading to gradual damage over time.

March 2025