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The Vulnerabilities of India’s Elderly

Context: The aging phenomenon is one of the most significant experiences of this century, characterized by a remarkable increase in human longevity alongside historically low reproduction rates. While the scale and growth of this phenomenon may seem alarming, efforts are being made to redefine it not just by age, but by other related factors influenced by […]

Unleashing AI for Social Justice

Context: While AI has significantly impacted areas like medical science, space exploration, financial inclusion, cybersecurity, manufacturing, and transportation, its greatest potential lies in solving complex societal issues and alleviating human hardships at the grassroots level. It shouldn’t be limited to tasks like driving our cars, controlling our air conditioners, writing essays, or improving art. Thus, it’s important to reimagine […]

Exercise Red Flag 2024

Context: An Indian Air Force (IAF) contingent participated in Exercise Red Flag 2024 conducted at Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska of the United States Air Force, from 04 Jun to 14 Jun 24. Relevance: Facts for Prelims About:

 Global Wind Day

Context: Recently, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) organised ‘Global Wind Day’ on the 15th June 2024 with the theme of “Pawan Urja: Powering the Future of India”. Relevance: Facts for prelims Key points

The Impact of Electromagnets in Modern Life

Context: Invented in 1824 by William Sturgeon, electromagnets are a fixture of modern life, appearing in loudspeakers, motors, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines, maglev trains, and particle accelerators. Relevance: Facts for Prelims About Electromagnets: -Source: The Hindu  

SDG 7 Energy Progress Report 2024

Context: SDG 7: Energy Progress Report 2024, released recently, finds that the world remains off course to achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7 for energy by 2030. Relevance: GS III: Environment and Ecology Dimensions of the Article: About SDG 7: Energy Progress Report 2024 Highlights of the 2024 Report: Disparities and Challenges: India’s Progress: -Source: […]

Truenat Diagnostic Test Recognized at World Health Assembly

Context: Recently, the Truenat, a rapid molecular diagnostic test for pulmonary and extrapulmonary TB and rifampicin-resistant TB, was hailed at the 77th World Health Assembly in Geneva. Relevance: Facts for Prelims Dimensions of the Article: Truenat: About Tuberculosis India’s TB Elimination Target: Goals and Challenges India has set an ambitious target of eliminating tuberculosis by […]

Path to Peace Summit in Switzerland

Context: The two-day Summit on Peace in Ukraine at the Bürgenstock resort in Switzerland concluded recently with hopes for an end to the Russia-Ukraine war. Out of the 100 attending delegations, 80 countries and four organizations supported the final joint communiqué from the Path To Peace Summit, which focused on finding ways to end the […]

India’s Rise as a Strategic Intellectual Hub

Context: In recent years, India’s transformation from a back-office service provider to a strategic intellectual hub for Multinational Corporations (MNCs) has been driven by the rise of Global Capability Centers (GCCs). GCCs are offshore units established by MNCs to perform strategic functions using specialized talent, cost advantages, and operational efficiencies in different locations worldwide. Relevance: […]

 Climate Change and the Silk Road

Context: A recent study by Chinese scientists published in the journal Science Bulletin found that the main route of the ancient Silk Road shifted northward due to climate change. The study provides a valuable case study for examining the relationship between climate change and the spatial evolution of human societies. Relevance: GS II: International Relations […]