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Krishi Integrated Command and Control Centre

Context: Recently, the union Agriculture Minister inaugurated a Krishi Integrated Command and Control Centre (ICCC) set up at Krishi Bhavan in New Delhi. Relevance: GS III: Agriculture About Krishi Integrated Command and Control Centre Overview: Objectives: Technological Framework: Features of the Krishi Integrated Command and Control Centre Data Presentation: Analytical Tools: Krishi Decision Support System […]

About Magnetofossils

Context: In the depths of the Bay of Bengal, scientists have discovered a 50,000-year-old sediment — a giant magnetofossil and one of the youngest to be found yet. Relevance: Facts for Prelims Dimensions of the Article: About Magnetofossils Definition: Magnetotactic Bacteria: Study Findings on Magnetofossils Sediment Core Analysis: Organism Presence: Magnetofossil Identification: Oxygen Concentration: Monsoon […]

About the India Employment Report 2024

Context: The International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the Institute of Human Development (IHD) have jointly published a report titled “India Employment Report 2024”. Relevance: GS III: Indian Economy Dimensions of the Article: About the India Employment Report 2024 Publication Background: Scope and Focus: Key Highlights of the India Employment Report 2024 Data Sources: Employment Trends […]

Decline in Global Immunization During Covid-19

Context: A recent paper published in The Lancet Global Health titled “Estimating the Health Effects of Covid-19-Related Immunization Disruptions in 112 Countries During 2020–30: A Modelling Study” has highlighted a concerning trend. The study reveals that global immunization rates have declined significantly during the Covid-19 pandemic. This decline has led to an increase in disease […]

Fair Share for Health and Care report

Context: Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) released a new report titled- Fair Share for Health and Care report, addressing the gender gap in global healthcare. Relevance: GS II: Health Dimensions of the Article: Key Highlights of the Report on Gender Disparities in Global Health and Care Work Gender Disparities in Health and Care Work: Representation and Leadership: Economic […]

 Indian Basmati Rice Varieties in Pakistan

Context: Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) scientists have raised concerns over the recent discovery of India’s prized basmati rice varieties, such as Pusa-1121 and 1509 Basmati, being found in Pakistan under different names. This mislabeling has sparked alarm among Indian experts, who are urging legal action to protect Indian farmers and exporters. The situation highlights […]

About ICGS Samudra Paheredar

Context: External Affairs recently visited Indian Coast Guard ship Samudra Paheredar, which is in Manila Bay in the Philippines, as part of an overseas deployment to ASEAN countries. Relevance: Facts for Prelims About ICGS Samudra Paheredar Overview: Positioning: Commissioning and Location: Technical Specifications:  

About Monuments of National Importance

Context: The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) recently decided to delist 18 protected monuments as they have ceased to be of “national importance”. Relevance: GS I: History Dimensions of the Article: About Monuments of National Importance (MNI) Legislative Framework: Statistical Overview: Declaration Process: Responsibilities Post Declaration: Delisting Mechanism: About Archaeological Survey of India (ASI)

On Sustainable Building Materials

Context: India is experiencing an unparalleled surge in construction, with more than 300,000 housing units being built each year. While this growth presents economic prospects and enhances living conditions, it also presents significant environmental hurdles. Relevance: GS3-Environmental Pollution & Degradation Mains Question: Why is addressing energy inefficiency in residential buildings important? What are some of […]

Mechanisation Needed to Tackle Farm Issues

Context: The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, and Food Processing has recently emphasized the urgent requirement to enhance farm mechanization for small and marginal farmers in India. Their recent report underscores that comprehensive mechanization is not just necessary but vital for addressing the diverse challenges confronting the agricultural sector, which is central to the […]